Sep 17, 2004 14:53
otay. wel jay went home early from skol 2day.. n i wasnt feelin good eithr so when i went to the nurse she said "Your lieing, your not rely sick. Your boyfriend just went home n u just want to go too!" i was lik "He did?" cuz i didnt no that yet i didnt get his texts n note in the locker yet..
so she lookd at my throat n shit n relized ya i rely was sick. i was lik "Yah. fuck you u dumb bitch!" LoL.
then wen i fot hom i calld colleen n got her to buy me stogs! im hapy now! all i needed was a stog to mak me feel betr!! i took my strep medicin n i feel fine now!!
well. its friday! woo hoo! LoL.
01.29.04 - taken*