Apr 23, 2008 16:09
There's always some reason, to feel not good enough; and it's hard at the end of the day.
Gods, if Morpheus fucked me right now, I'd be soo grateful. I'm about to drop dead right here at the monitor.
Don't wanna get into my long, effin, crapshoot of a day. That still isn't over.
The only highpoint was finishing ET today, which made me cry like the baby I am. But damn, one of my top 10 films now. It's amazing, and I want an alien of my own now (complete with Elliot of course.)
K, gonna go hope and shower, transcribe notes, put away notes and laundry. Cause life? Never gives you a break.
Let's not forget those 6 chapters (already read 2 today) I have to finish in Classical Myth AND studying for the exam tomorrow. And finish reading the Betty Friedan book.
*whimpers* I'm just so weary, bone tired.
Anyone feel like writing me a Dionysus/Hephaestus drabble, since today I learned that apparently he's the only one Heph trusted? I'd kiss ya all over and love ya forever. *pleading Sammy eyes, points to puppy Ron icon*
Off to the bookstore now gents. My Elysian Fields (if only everything was free....)
big pathetic baby,
bad day,
general hate of self,