Nov 18, 2004 18:52
Today i woke up ay 6 am to tired to shower, so i asked my mom if i could go to school late.. of all days to go to school late, i go on early release late :\ dumb i knO. lol anyways.. i went to school in 3rd period, caught up with yessenia,laughed at some flirtation with noticed.went to 6th,look at martins paris hilton book, cause hes obssesed. went with kristin home to get ready for hoods memorium :(
Had fun in the car with her, crazi i tell u how selt belts decide to lock on u out of no where so when u try and move u cant, anyways, we jammed to some songs. me on lead and kristin as back up lol, honked at some cuties, eeehh not really but we made thier day probally lol jK. I saw my foxi mama!! lol wow its been a long time, we watched the 9th grade cheerleading end of year tape, we definetly shed a few tears, those were some of the best times in my life. anyways, we got ready, got there sat in the blistering heat( not really but u kno me i exaagerated) aloy of ppl went. It was sad, wat got to me the most was damn i wished i knew him longer, he was an amazing teacher and person. the video was amazing, definelty touched me, he was always smiling, always. They said thjey qoute that really got to me. "Dream as if youll live forever, live as if ull die tommorow". and "Youth has no age". He was a great person, on our way out kristin and I noticed that after listening about him, it made out lifes seem so insignifcant(sp?).
Went home, hungry, here i am now! i had fun today, and i had fun haning out with kristin. cause its been a while, and i regret anything i may have done or said to harm our friendship in the first place. :\ anways..i have work tommorow yuk! till close and saturday till close.. that suks the big one.. yup i think it does... jesus!