Aug 08, 2005 20:45
Hah... so today was the first day of my sophomore year, and let me tell yah.. it dragged by like an old ladies boobs! Ugh the day was sooo long and freakin BORING! i can't wait till this school year is over and it hasn't even started! I can't even beleive summer is over already! i had so much fun while it lasted..
Well my teachers seem mean and strict, and i have a few people i love in my classes, but then in others it's like no one i know.. it's so wierd.. and this year is wierd! but yes! i have lunch with Katie, mark, meagan, ronna, rachel and donzi is switching in so that definitly makes me the happiest person alive!
lets see, mrs snitehurst seems nice as hell, umm mr. gatewood seems funny and like he'd actually take his time teaching me math, mrs. wolitzer is just dumb, mr. mcclain.. bleh i love band minus him.. mr health teacher, is pretty funny but i got sleepy listening to him talk.. Mrs. lawrence.. seems like she'd be nice if u just pay attention lol but she looks like she can be a evil whore if u dont follow the rules! and mrs. oconnor seems nice but i know she's evil! lol haha .. well.. yeah
it was so hott this morning, and i personally think our school is too jammed.. i have a hard time walking anywhere but i guess that's just the way highschool is.. i dunno b4 i used to like school.. and now i absolutely hate it.. but im getting a schedule change so it might get better! lol if they change it! haha i woke up extra eraly today for nothign! lol
woah this whole entry was like a buncha complaining.. but i swear im not usually like this maybe it's cuz im grumpy and tired since i slept like nothign last night and since it's the first day i guess it was just boring.. so maybe the next few days will be somewhat exciting! lol yayy =D i can't wait till the weekend.. And just to remmber what i did today (firsthour sweated like a pig and laughed with sergio, marquis and kadeem.. well actually it was just me-2nd- talked to anthony and those 2 ppl infront of me n bugged this poor girl about her pretty eyes, then got yelled at for laughing so hard by this kid-3rd-talked to lizzi n listened to mrs. wolitzer be dumb-4th just sat and did commands-5th-listened to mr health dude talk n talk n get sleepy-6th wasnt that bad i talked to vivi n michelle-7th was bored and miserable bcuz she seems evil) and that's it..
im out <3 Karla