Jul 29, 2006 12:17
Oooooh! very intresting!
The thread on the AFI message board got completely deleted (not just locked) last night after we talked about the masqurade site!
Sommat tells me they dont want us to look at it ;)
Possibly AFI copyed this site and they will get in trouble if they are found out?
I hope not... i dont want to be blamed for AFI going to jail :S
Another possibility is this site is related to the END of the mystery, and they dont want us to solve it straight away.
The most likely theory: they just got fed up of us going on about sites that were in no way linked with AFI.
anyhoo... in other news, Mike drank half a bottle of brandy (fucking twat...) and parents are mad and refusing to pay boarding fees so he may also not go back to scl next year.
That would leave me with a total of "0" male freinds as Jamie has also abandoned me :(
If none of the new ones are cool, im gonna go mental! lol. I need a bit of boy attention once in a while...
Im just so glad i have a friend like Rachel (if Becca does not change her mind and steal her lol)
Rach is the only one i can say i truly like (bad i know... but my school just seems to attract annoying people)
Well, thats all that has happened this morning, so...