Hmph. Goddamn contraptions. They seem easier to take off than to put on... The fact that I've needed one TWICE in the spans of two months just shows how damn ridiculous this school is.
...Are you switched too, moron?
[ooc: That strike is hackable, for those who want to see him spaz. OBVIOUSLY, Fakir is talking about a bra. Which he received from his
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If you are having such difficulties, it would be my pleasure to assist in putting on a item which a majority of young ladies are usually quite apt at being able to do on their own upon reaching their mid-teens, at the very latest. Why, I wholeheartedly agree that it is far simpler to remove such a device and, on occasion, far more pleasurable at the end.
((ooc: Because Jade loves seeing Fakir spaz. xD))
And shut your damn mouth. I don't want any of YOUR help.
[ooc: When in doubt...deny~! \o/ Fakir can remove bras on OTHER people! But putting them on himself, not so much. >>;;]
My my, your harsh words wound my very heart, were I to possess one that is.
[ooc: It was very informative, I'm sure. XD And lawl yes. You can imagine this whole thing with Fakir beet red, cuz none of his femme!icons can show the magnitude of his embarrassment. XD]
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