
Aug 14, 2006 09:35

i need to move (livejournal). things have changed and i'm not the same. my life is about to change in a huge way. regardless of the outcome, i still wont be the same. call me dramatic, call me stupid. but i dont *care*. i guess one can never understand certain situations unless they've experienced them.

i'm still "alwaysworried" because that describes me the best and there are some amazing things on this journal that i'd hate to ever forget or lose track of. but i've realized that i'm just me...worried and all. i need to stop running from myself and all of my terrible personality flaws. i need to face facts that i'm not a great person all the time and quite frankly i'm a *crappy* friend when it comes down to the dirty center. i'm a great surface friend, but that's where it stops. so yea, i'm still here, but i've moved.
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