Jun 13, 2006 23:56
So, I figured I'd come out of LJ hibernation. This summer is going to be a blast. So I figured I'd keep it posted for memory's sake. I don't really have anything to write about. Lea turns 19 in 24 hours. Gotta come up with something crazy for that. Hopefully hanging out with Laura later this week. She and I have become so tight. I love it. I love her. She's so creative, alive, fun, flirty, feisty. She's awesome. Carly comes home for Neil's grad party, I miss her like crazy. That'll be awesome. Ania's party was great. Played pong minus the beer, had to see Matt later. I sucked. God forbid alcohol touches my lips. Ay yay. I love him, but...yeah, but nothing. I love him. Talked personal stuff with Pat Sheehan. Now that I look back on why I have no clue. Probably because it was fun to see him like it. Sarcastic bastard.
So I guess I had more to write about than I originally thought. I'm gonna go read some Discover a la the Future of Terrorism.