I'm still trying to find a job.

Mar 01, 2006 17:20

I am in need of some serious relaxation. I had an in-class essay-midterm on Monday over some cultures that I knew absolutely nothing about. I spent last weekend freaking out about it, while doing internet research on them. In the end, I think I did fairly well. The midterms did not stop there, though. I had a week to write an intense, approximately ten page, two-part essay on the (lack of) history of homosexuality and on a nineteenth century French hermaphrodite. I am aiming for an A on this paper, as I worked my ass off. My midterm week should conclude Saturday morning, when I finish my calculus exam, but, alas, it will not. Next Wednesday, I have a fencing midterm. Yes, fencing. I don't know much about it, but am hoping to b.s. my way through it. The following day, at 6:50, to be exact, my Spring Break will begin, and I will, thankfully, be on my way back home.
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