Title: The Remarkable Misfortunes Of Ryan Ross
alwaystheindianRating: NC-17
Pairing: Ryan/Brendon
POV: Third
Summary: Brendon is a prince who has an evil twin. Ryan is the son of a farmer. When, one day, Ryan finds himself at the service of Brendon and his vicious twin brother... adventure ensues. This story is more than just a misguided romance. It is
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-- David
So, I guess I'll do that now. Oh Brendon, Oh BRENDON. Just give in, you know you want to. He's so cute when he's being righteous though. I love all of Brendon's equality speeches.
This finally brings up a point that's been in the back of my head the whole time. Brendon's going to be expected to marry and make the French happy and live the 'respectable' life. So where does little Ryan fit in there? I guess I'll just have to wait and see.
<3 Aimi
-- David
Which sucks... we were on a good roll :D :D :D
I hope that the next chapter makes up for the "LJ maintance" issues we had with this one.
Brendon does want to... he just loves Ryan so much that he wants what is best for Ryan and he does not believe that he, himself, is what serves Ryan's long term interest :(
Where does Ryan fit in there? Ask me that question after the last chapter is posted and I'll gladly answer. But if I answer it now then it might give away something :(
:hugs you:
-- David
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