Jul 21, 2005 16:27
One of my really annoying co-workers got engaged last night...how precious
he sent her on a scavanger hunt and she ended up out on a dock with her eyes closed listening to nature and then she felt a hand on her shoulder
they way she told me made me very sick but also very jealous. I hope that the next time I get engaged, Andrew will think of some creative or cute way to ask me rather than just getting down on his knees and saying "will you marry me?" He could at least right a speech or a poem or take me somewhere or something...I don't know
plus her ring is really pretty.
I don't understand how a girl can go out with a guy for 3 years and not kiss him even once and then the mother fucker ends up asking her to marry him...that's royally fucked up.
Brie is getting engaged (at least we all hope) this weekend when her and Kyle go up to MIchigan camping....I can't wait to be her maid of honor it will be awesome so long as I don't have to be partnered with John or Adam I will be totally cool. YAY! I'm excited about that.
Oh and Kyle better think of a cool way to ask her too she deserves it.
La La La...I would write about last night but it's too long of a boring story even to hold my attention (well, except for seeing andrew and hanging out with friends and sex in the shower, on the kitchen counter and multiple times in my room and then getting to miss four hours of work due to "car problems"
I am so incerdibly in love with him.
The other day his mother said to him:
Judy: You are going up to see Kate again? You just spent the whole weekend with her.
Andrew: Yeah, Well, I'm just going up to Oshkosh she's gonna be at her house.
Judy: You really care about her, huh?
Andrew: No, I just really like driving.