Jan 05, 2005 21:00
well i really dont feel like talking , not really in the mood. im just so sick of people and all there excuses to things and there LIES and just everything its just getting so old. not to mention my parents are driving me absolutly insanee and i just have soo many things on my mind and everything is just stressing me the fuck out and i get upset and it sucks. other than that things are just wonderful :)..not. :/ All i can say is.. why do people say things that they dont mean its not that hard, if you tell someone something and dont mean it.then why the hell would u say it? It's just gonna suck for u in the end. w/e I guess i just need time to calm down, things just happen one after the other. I need to go out with my girls, that will cheer me up : )
Im out xOxO