Aug 18, 2004 21:35
today was fun. beach with amy and dom and her friends then went shopping with courtney! i got a new shirt from american eagle its cute! and ya my link crew leader still hasnt called but lots of other ppl's have so its making me frustrated... lol but courtneys hasnt either so maybe we will get lucky and be in the same group! *hopefully* lol so yeah high school starts monday. its almost thursday. i have 4 more days of summer left! only 1 that i can sleep in though! cuz friday i have to wake up for orientation, saturday and sunday is the weekend so my parents r home... so ya im staying up late tonight cuz its my last chance! lol i cant believe summers pretty much done. it went by SOO fast! especially since camp! like, i remember going to this one restaraunt on fathers day and that was the weekend after school got out, but it only feels like a couple weeks ago! then at the same time somethings seem like they happened a month ago (which they did lol). so yeah im so excited to see everyone, and meet new friends, and hang out with old ones more. i wonder who im gonna hang out with in highschool... for some reason i think everything is going to change, hopefully it will be for the better. wellll tomorrow im going shopping with my mom at fashion valley (maybe ill wear those shoes courtney! lol) so im gonna finish back to school shopping. ok well im gonna go so later!
p.s. i saw hannah at the mall!!! it made my day :-D lol i love you hannah