(no subject)

Aug 24, 2005 21:47

well my life is goin ok...it is juss old memories...why do they have to come back....sometimes you think you have really gotten over sumthin and then here it comes juss back into your life all because of you and you want it to happn but then again you dont...it is confusing...you know!...LoL

well the past few day have been the bast of all the school year so far...i guess deep dowwn i never forgot bout anything...maybe later though

anyway...school still sucks

im suposed to be goin to the doctor about my shoulder pretty soon and i cant wait until i dont have to wear this stupid sling anymore...

i wish i was still playin volleyball kinda even tho i would be sitting the bench the resyt of the seson because of this stupid arm....

friday night we play cornor!! that ought be a good game..
well ima gone to finish homework..Luv all!!!

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