Mar 14, 2007 04:05
Ahhhh...ohh how I miss having my bracelet that said those five words "Peace, Love, Purity, Hope & Faith". I honestly believed that bracelet made in some kind of change within myself, because I remember being in 11th grade(I know I talk as though it was a zillion years ago even though it was 3 years ago), I felt so kind and generous, and loving. I did I honestly did. I loved it. It broke though, I think that bracelet some how in a weird way kept me going. It felt perfect. I still have all the pieces, I believe. But I have no string to fix it. I think,...I think, I will go to hobby lobby....yeah, and fix it. Of course, add some more pieces. I miss that bracelet, I will fix it, and when I do I'll take a before and after. I guess the reason I liked the bracelet so much was because I believed in all those things, and now...I don't. Well I mean I still believe in peace and love, but the rest of it I've kinda not.
So I'M thinking I'll use livejournal as my college journal. From everything hear on out til I FINISH COLLEGE. Xanga was my high school one. Now its time for a change. Although, I did post on here for a short while. I'm back.
But doesn't fit me anymore.'ll change it. Change something at least.
I'm out
peace n' luv