Aug 29, 2002 14:48
I interrupt my workday to share a horoscope:
"You should be pretty busy with various responsibilities today. If too much is going on right now, just try not to let it stress you out too much. Try to strengthen your sense of duty and be sure to make your intentions absolutely clear in order to avoid any potential misunderstandings later on down the line"
Your telling me.
That horoscope alone almost stresses me out.
I've already learned the hard way the consequences of not making one's intentions clear.
My thoughts are scattered right now...
I can't concentrate on one single thing...
I'm in an odd mood, but not in a bad way.
I'm almost giddy, but feeling like that doesn't make any sense.
Maybe I'm just really looking forward to getting the work done on my tattoo tomorrow.
I dunno.
Time to get back to work.