Jan 02, 2005 12:02
What would you do if the person you love took place in an action that you are totally against by all of your morals? How would you deal with it if it was so uncharacteristic of this person to do something like this? What if it changed everything, except how much you love that person? What if people that you know well and see constantly were against this action as well? What if the action was commited against them? How would they know how tough life can be for the person you love? How could they understand that he was given an unfair choice in the matter? Would they care if they knew the excuses? Do I? Would it be unethical of me to go against my own code of ethics and continue my relationship with this person? Would it make me a bad person, a bad girlfriend, to be so unforgiving in a situation that wasn't necessarily all his doing? Does this make him a different person in my eyes, or am I just too upset? Should it matter what everyone else thinks of the situation if I know that he is a good person and he just loves his family more than he knows right from wrong? How can I respect him for what this is worth? How can anyone respect him as the talented musician that he is if he can not keep orderly conduct with other musicians, that did nothing but try to befriend him? How horrible of a person would I be either way... staying with someone for love when I am 100% consciouse of the fact that they are capable of stealing, lying, deceit.... or leaving the person that has always stood by me out of love because of one bad decision to lie for the sake of his family?
I've never been faced with this kind of thing before. I don't reccomend it. My biggest question to sum up all those little questions is what do I do? What choice do I have?
Love always, (Even when I'm miserable)