A year ago we were the best of friends..inseparable ..today we are like distant cousins..where's that friend who would always be there for me..bros before hoes and would never change u for someone you're not..u have moved on like we did in high school and only come back into our lives with facebook. But we weren't friends in high school and we never became friends thru facebook..here is where we became friends and it's here where I can only write what has been on my mind. And it sucks..and it sucks that I'm feeling like this and I don't even want to go deeper with those thoughts because I will predict how this would end..how we would end. And I hate how I am being treated and I hate how this friendship Between u me and John began with a lie to everyone..how old I was..that I was ur cousin and how I met u. And how ur mom hated me when she didn't even know me! it's all just fucked up and like u said somethings gotta give and I'm guessing ur waiting to tell me in person.
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