Profile (Updated)

May 24, 2010 18:33

Name: Platinum
Age: 16
Birthday: November 22
Canon: AU Platinum/HGSS mix
Canon Point: Currently trying to beat Palmer/juggle Champion duties
Hometown: New Bark Town, Johto
Current Location: Awesome Island
Sexual Orientation: Asexual

Height: 5'4"
Weight: 116 lbs
Eye Colour: Gray
Hair Colour: Black
Clothing Style: summer, winter -- other outfits obviously worn, mun is just lazy.

To describe Platinum's personality would be as if trying to describe the sand on a beach. It can be done, but it is a twisting, tenuous affair. Her mind is a complex one that often turns on itself, sides set up and torn down daily. Like the fox of myth, she is a being that helps only itself and nothing else.

Platinum is selfish first and foremost. It is man's greatest sin, and she willingly partakes in it. It is this selfishness that drives her actions, when she can be persuaded to actually act. She wishes to keep her family as it is, separated and apart, a guilty pleasure derived from knowing that Soul is still lesser than her in a sense. She wishes to remain the best of the best, be it in wit, acting, or Pokémon training. Her reasons for these goals are her own, and they are buried too deep within her subconscious to be of any help in trying to unravel her.

That said, Platinum knows the way the game is played. One must be kind, cordial and altogether a good person to get anywhere in life. She saw what happened to Cyrus, and his fate weighs heavily on her mind at times. And while she admires what he did (to make the world a better place--a fleeting wish to be sure), his willingness to use Pokémon to accomplish his goals did not sit right with her. Because she can actually enjoy Pokémon without having to search for hidden motives; they are her dear friends.

Like most people, Platinum also judges a book by its cover. She is quick to form nasty opinions of people, though how they act around her may make her retract her opinions and reform them in a kinder light. Platinum also has a weakness for younger people. She generally does not regard them as lying snakes right off the bat, and she is quicker to think of them in affectionate terms.

With Platinum, those that are likely to be her friends are people that are open and honest. She does not take well to lies and will relax her guard around those who have nothing to hide. Even if they are blunt and possibly cruel, she believes it is better to have everything out in the open.  And that truly does set the tone for her. Lies are not tolerated and those that do lie are dealt with harshly. But those that are genuine? They are loved and cared for. Those on Platinum's good side will find nothing beyond an occasionally sharp tongue that is quickly lost with the right words.


I. Peaceful Days

Platinum was born in New Bark Town and raised in relative comfort. Her mother was a retired Coordinator, and her father helped Professor Elm (a student still learning about Pokemon) with his research. Platinum became a big sister at the age of three, and it wasn't long before she was watching over both her baby sister Soul and the neighbor's own child, Gold. She did her best to settle spats and disputes between the two, and all three looked forward to the day when they would be able to become trainers.

However, Platinum did not let on that she was far more interested in her schoolwork. Rather, she secretly aimed for being a Pokemon Professor herself. Of course, staying in such an isolated little town with only a few other children to grow up with, it was only natural that she not reveal this secret desire and instead agree with the others' desire to become masters.

Time passed with relative ease, and both Platinum and Soul noticed the way their mother became more and more focused on her Glameow, a Pokemon that had long been with her and had won her many ribbons as a Coordinator. They also noticed the apparent rift growing between their parents, but, with Platinum only ten and Soul at the innocent age of seven, neither worried much about it.

An interesting event did occur the summer before Platinum turned eleven and Soul turned eight, however. Platinum found herself without children near her age to keep her company. Gold and Soul would often play together, and, for that reason, Platinum found herself turning to her mother for companionship. And she received it. By the end of the summer, Platinum had become much more self-conscious about her image and more calculating when it came to what people said. It was not her mother's fault, though. Johanna was ready to move, ready to start participating in contests again, and that nervous energy lead to words that had adverse effects on her daughter.

What happened was inevitable.

II. Turmoil

Platinum's memories of when she was twelve are faint and disjointed. It is her brain's way of keeping her from the worst of it. In a tiny town like New Bark Town, family is doubly important because it provides you with both family and friends. So, for Platinum, family became the center of her universe. When the calm broke, she had to learn to detach herself to keep from being terribly affected by it.

Her father had an affair. For some, such a word is nothing. For Soul, it became a part of life. For Platinum? It shattered her. She had always looked up to her father, steadfast and strong whereas her mother was finicky and spastic. To learn that it was he who was unfaithful horribly skewed her image of him, and for some time she was torn between hatred and love for him, guilt twisting inside her for even thinking of hating him. And, suddenly, she wasn't twelve anymore.

Of course, she was still twelve in body. She would remain twelve for the subsequent divorce, filed a few days after her birthday. She would still be twelve when her mother and father fought over Soul and her. It was--hard. While the legal matters were settled, Platinum finally decided on what she wanted. For once, she decided not to go along with the flow.

Johanna decided to leave for Sinnoh. She held no love for her former husband, and she held no love for Johto. She was to go by herself, the court for once ruling that the children would stay with their father in Johto. There would be no visitation, because who could travel back and forth between two regions once every two months? Certainly not two little girls.

But Platinum could not stand her father. He wasn't hers anymore. How could she trust him to love her when he couldn't love her mother? He did not dote on her as he did with Soul. Their relationship was of a complex and brittle nature, and that betraying of trust (in Platinum's eyes) was enough to set them apart. Platinum couldn't bear to be with him, so she followed her mother to Sinnoh.

Even now, looking back, she doesn't regret that decision.

That day, getting ready to board the ship to Sinnoh--she can remember that most clearly. Saying goodbye to Soul and Gold (and secretly hating herself for abandoning them), the way their hugs felt: Soul's tight and desperate, Gold's tense and embarrassed. And her father's hug? One-armed, and his body was absolutely rigid. The trip took a good day to make, and after they boarded and the ship set sail, Platinum sat and watched the waves.

III. Pearl

Up until she was fifteen, Platinum's life comprised of one person. That person was Pearl. With her mother free to go to contests whenever she wanted, Platinum spent almost all her time with Pearl, a  boy her age she befriended the moment she stepped foot in Twinleaf Town. Or, rather, the moment she stepped outside the moving van, he ran into her and proceeded to accidentally push her into a nearby pile of mud.

The two became close quickly, if only because Pearl was nosy and insistent in spending time with her. Because of Pearl, Platinum learned how to cook, how to prepare for any sort of accident, and how to swim. Their relationship became a somewhat violent one, him often opening doors in her face and she often punching him when he became a bit too annoying.

Of course, the transition from Johto to Sinnoh also brought to light something that Platinum would have preferred not to develop.  One day, after chasing after Pearl, Platinum found herself coughing. It was a gentle, but persisting cough, one that continued on for a month before Platinum was finally dragged to a doctor. Exercise-induced asthma, brought about by stress. Nothing serious, not so long as Platinum wasn't put under too much pressure and took her daily medication.

And, with Pearl? She really wasn't. He motivated her to do better than him. Even if it was at cooking, dressing, racing--whatever it was, he always goaded her into a competition. And, with him, Platinum gained a teasing side. It was fun to watch him trip up, and it was the only way to slow him down and make him think.

By the time they were fifteen, the two were near inseparable. If Platinum wasn't staying over at Pearl's house, then he was sneaking into hers. And, so, it came as no surprise that Pearl decided he wanted a Pokemon and that Platinum would accompany him in getting one.

Pearl was stopped from going through with his plans by Professor Rowan, the man at first admonishing the two before deciding that they would be better off with Pokemon of their own. It was during this exchange that Platinum met Diamond for the first time and received Empire, a tiny Piplup at the time.

IV. You & Me & Pokemon

From there, it became a race between Pearl and Platinum, she emailing Soul to tell her and saying goodbye to Johanna before starting her journey to become a Pokemon Champion. Or, rather, to travel. The gyms were, for the most part, side-dishes for her. She fought them primarily to level her Pokemon up, watching as her originally small and weak Pokemon evolved into stronger, more dependable forms.

During her journey, however, Platinum found herself becoming mixed up in Team Galactic's business. For the most part, they were merely hassles and obstacles to be removed. As time went on, Platinum found them becoming more and more dangerous, the group committing serious crimes. It came to the point where Platinum realized that she had been roped into stopping them.

She would have to, given what they were planning. And she hated that. The Elite Four, the Champion, the freaking police--where were they? What were they doing? It came to the point where Platinum stopped relying on everyone excluding a few special people.

It came to the point where the lake trio were captured, and Cyrus, the leader, had created a device capable of controlling Pokemon without hampering their natural powers. Platinum, with a few other trainers, were able to reach the Spear Pillar in time to try and stop him, but something else intervened before they could.

Giratina--once just a legend and now reality, refused to allow Cyrus to create a new world. The giant dragged Cyrus into the Distortion World, and both Platinum and Cynthia (the Pokemon Champion) chased after them. In the end, after defeating Cyrus one final time, Platinum captured Giratina.

She wasn't going to, at first. But once she realized that it was all alone in the Distortion World, she couldn't leave it there. As for Cyrus? He chose to stay in the Distortion World, both as his punishment and to try and find another way to recreate the world.

Later, when Platinum returned to the Distortion World, she found him gone.

After the defeat of Team Galactic, Platinum resolved to finish her journey and become the Champion. She fought the last gym leader, defeated the Elite Four, and, after a good hour of battling, saw Cynthia's last Pokemon fall.

As the Pokemon Champion, she was required to accept challengers. Of course, the only official battles were conducted after the challenger had won against the Elite Four, but, more often than not, Platinum would be chased down and fought against, just so the opposing trainers could see if they could win or not.  None of them could, but they found her no matter where she went, and as time wore on, she found herself becoming weary more easily.

Platinum still continued on, however. Her little sister's enthusiastic emails encouraged her to fight against the Battle Frontier Brains, only losing to Palmer. Now, she swaps back and forth between being the challenger and the Champion.


Has captured Giratina
Defeated Cynthia, currently Pokemon Champion
Defeated all Frontier Brains with the exception of Palmer
Captured almost all Pokemon in Sinnoh--all have been released given to Professor Rowan shortly afterward, however, as she only keeps those that are going to be implemented into her team


Older sister of  Soul, despite the fact that Soul is a year older (thanks to being from Platinum's future)
Has exercised-induced asthma; she takes daily medication to avoid coughing if she does more than walk
Is uncomfortable around Ghastly and its evolutions, thanks to a bad scare she had when younger
9/25/10: Brought back to Awesome Island after trading her Glaceon with her sister's Eevee and evolving the Eevee into a Leafeon. Currently has only her Leafeon and Staravia.

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