Oct 21, 2007 22:57
Or how I continue to avoid finishing reading "The Good Woman of Setzuan"
1. How old will you be in five years? 29 - yikes
2. Who did you spend at least two hours with today? My wonderful cast for my 10 minute play: Hannah and Holly. Also: Michael, Jeremy, Brook, Megan, Robin, and ??? ( dear I forgot her name, how can I forget a fellow trekkie's name?) at church and Simon B’s this evening
3. How tall are you? 5'2"
4. What do you look forward to most in the next six weeks? Thanksgiving break. Seriously, an entire week of no classes. Seems like heaven at the moment. Not needing to walk a mile to class everyday, not needing to wake up at an horrid hour in order to make it to my class on time. It will be glorious.
Also watching the leaves change. I love autumn
5. What's the last movie you saw? Transformers, but I fell asleep for a good chunk of it. The last movie that I stayed awake for was Evan Almighty
6. Who was the last person you called? Mi madre
7. Who was the last person that called you? Michael G
8. What was the last text message you received? Crystal F
9. Who was the last person to leave you a voice mail? The lady from the Admissions office for the LA film school
10. Do you prefer to call or text? Depends on why I need to contact that person.
11. What were you doing at 12am last night? Sleeping, thankfully
12. Are your parents married/separated/divorced? Married.
13. When is the last time you saw your mom? Friday afternoon
14. What color are your eyes? Brown
15. What time did you wake up today? The first time, 8am, the time I actually got out of bed, noon.
16. What are you wearing right now? Jeans, a white tank top covered by a navy blue tank top, socks, and my patchwork chucks
17. What is your favorite Christmas song? "O Holy Night” rings in at the top, probably followed by Larry the Cucumber’s “Feliz Navidad”
18. Where is your favorite place to be? I cannot pick a physical place, so allow me to be abstract for a moment. My favorite place is wherever I can go and know I will be accepted and loved no matter what. A place of forgiveness and grace. A place of conviction and challenge. A place of love, laughter, and true fellowship.
19. Where is your least favorite place to be? The hospital, for any reason. I hate it.
20. Where would you go if you could go anywhere? I’d travel the world. Honestly though the first place that came to mind was Italy, go figure.
21. Where do you think you'll be in 10 years? 10 years older, 10 years wiser, and hopefully right where God wants me to be. Okay so that’s the “Christian” answer, but it is an honest one. Moving into some more honesty: married, with babies, being a fulltime mom, yet continuing to use my gifts in the church - drama, film, art, dance. Using those gifts to tell His story.
22. Do you tan or burn? Burn first, then it turns into a tan
23. What did you fear was going to get you at night as a child? Satan, seriously, I went through a phase where I thought Satan was standing in my doorway every night when I went to bed. Talk about being scared.
I also feared that our house would catch on fire or a burglar would break in.
24. What was the last thing that really made you laugh? My friend Brook H. I can’t remember exactly what it was, but there were several times during dinner I laughed quite a lot and she was generally the cause of it.
25. How many TVs do you have in your house? uno
26. How big is your bed? twin size
27. Do you have a laptop or desktop computer? imac! That would be a desktop.
28. Do you sleep with or without clothes on? In shorts and a tank top usually.
29. What color are your sheets? They are striped: pink green, blue, orange, yellow, and white.
30. How many pillows do you sleep with? three, sometimes four. I have two normal pillows, a body pillow, and I have a little pillow that sometimes stays on the bed and sometimes not.
31. What is your favorite season? Spring is first, then fall, then winter, then summer. If you have to make me pick.
32. What do you like about fall? Leaves changing, apple cider, pumpkin pie, leaf forts, jumping in leaves, sweaters, corduroy,
33. What do you like about winter? Snow, sledding, snow forts, making snow angels, snow football, building snow people, Christmas
34. What do you like about the summer? Sunshine, no school, the beach, freedom, working in the garden
35. What do you like about spring? new life, flowers, rebirth, warm sun, planning the garden, celebrating Hayley’s heavens day, lilacs,
36. How many states/provinces have you lived in? three states (Minnesota, Kansas, and Missouri), plus Alberta Canada for a semester.
37. What cities/towns have you lived in? 10: Leavenworth KS; Crystal, Brooklyn Center, Brooklyn Park, New Hope, Coon Rapids, Crookston, Fertile MN; Bolivar, Walnut Grove MO; Caroline Alberta.
38. Do you prefer shoes, socks, or bare feet? Bare feet, I would never wear shoes if I could get away with it.
39. Are you a social person? Yes, but I do fall into the category of introvert
40. What was the last thing you ate? A York peppermint pattie
41. What is your favorite restaurant? I don’t really have one
42. What is your favorite ice cream? I really like Breyer’s Mint Chocolate Chip. But right now I’m loving the Creamery Style Chocolate ice cream with marshmallow cream on top.
43. What is your favorite dessert? gf blueberry pie with ice cream
44. What is your favorite kind of soup? My mom’s cream of wild rice with ham. Its amazing. Second place is Mom’s hamburger soup.
45. What kind of jelly do you like on your PB & J sandwich? Strawberry or grape, but not on a sandwich, only on rice cakes
46. Do you like Chinese food? Yes but I can’t eat it because of the soy sauce
47. Do you like coffee? yes
48. How many glasses of water do you drink in a average day? Not enough for sure. Probably averages about 4.
49. What do you drink in the morning? Water, sometimes sweet tea. On occasion a frappichino.
50. Do you eat breakfast? Yes.
51. Do you sleep on a certain side of the bed? If it’s a double bed I usually sleep on the left side (when you are in the bed.) In my twin I sleep smack in the middle or toward the left.
52. Do you know how to play poker? yes
53. Do you like to cuddle? Um yes, actually.
54. Have you ever been to Canada? Yup! I even lived there for 5 months!
55. Do you have an addictive personality? I don't think so....
56. Do you eat out or at home more often? Home usually
57. Are you right or left handed? Right. But in highschool a friend of mine and I decided we would learn how to eat perfectly with our left hands. So I can eat left handed.
58. Do you know anyone with the same birthday as you? Harry Houdini
59. Do you want kids? absolutely
60. Do you speak any other languages? Some Haitian Creole. A fair amount of Spanish. Bits and pieces of French. Some ASL. A few odd Indonesian phrases. Some Biblical Hebrew. And I’m fluent in Ib and Pig Lating
61. Have you ever gotten stitches? Not for an injury
62. Have you ever ridden in an ambulance? no
63. Do you prefer an ocean or a pool? Pool for swimming, ocean for getting chased by waves
64. Do you prefer a window seat or an aisle seats? Window seat, hands down
65. Do you know how to drive stick? No, but I need too
66. What is your favorite thing to spend money on? New clothes or new art supplies
67. Do you wear any jewelry 24/7? No, I can’t relax at night if I’m wearing jewelry. I do wear my rings and my necklace most of the time. Oh, whatever earring in my upper ear does stay in 24/7
68. What is your favorite TV show? The Office, Heroes, CSI
69. Can you roll your tongue? yup
70. Who is the funniest person you know? Couldn’t tell ya
71. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? several
72. What is the main ring tone on your phone? An incredibly annoying standard ringtone
73. Do you still have clothes from when you were little? yes, several. I hope my kids will wear some of them some day.
74. What red object is closest to you right now? The cap to the bottle of strawberry flavored sparkling water.
75. Do you turn off the water while you brush your teeth? sometimes.
76. Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed? Usually closed, but sometimes I don’t pay attention and its open
77. Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of bees? a bear. Bees scare me more
78. Do you flirt a lot? When I was 13 my best friend gave me flirting lessons. I failed miserably. I am flirting inept. Well, at least intentional flirting. I suppose some my see some of my actions as flirting although I do not.
79. What do you dip a chicken nugget in? I can’t eat chicken nuggets
80. What is your favorite food? Fresh fruits and veggies.
81. Can you change the oil on a car? Change the oil? Not sure. Check the oil, sure thing.
82. Have you ever gotten a speeding ticket? yes
83. Have you ever run out of gas? Not me personally, but I’ve been in the car when my parents ran out of gas
84. What is your usual bedtime? I am for 10, but it seems to be closer to 11 or later
85. What was the last book you read? Last one I finished was My Heart’s Cry by Anne Graham Lotz. I’m currently in the middle of Prayer Does It Make Any Difference? by Phillip Yancey
86. Do you read the newspaper? The Omnibus (school newspaper)
87. Do you have any magazine subscriptions? no
89. Do you watch soap operas? no
90. Do you dance in the car? Sure thing, but not when I’m driving.
91. What radio station did you last listen to? Whatever wacky station is always playing at work, KLOVE, or Spirit FM
92. Who is in the picture frame closest to you? Luke Riley Neumann
93. What was the last note you scribbled on a piece of paper? My email address for a friend
94. What is your favorite candle scent? Right now any autumny scented
95. What is your favorite board game? One with an actual board? Probably cranium. But without a board it is Taboo. I am a master at that game.
97. When was the last time you attended church? Just went this evening
98. Who was your favorite teacher in high school? Other than my Mom or Dad (since I was homeschooled) it would be Mrs. Kris Hage who taught us English and Writing at coop.
99. Why did you like that teacher? Challenged me in my writing, always very encouraging and great at giving constructive criticism
100. Who was the last person to do something extra special for you? Mary Shawley, my small group leader, when she gave me $20 for dinner tonight