The 17th, Friday: A rather dull day. Ate some Oh's for breakfast and listened to JC all morning. Sherry and I talked for over an hour por el telefono. Again, we talked about Maury being an ass and it seems that everyone around us agrees. I'm glad that she and Charles worked out the whole Lisa thing...I just think it's nifty that Sherry and so many around me have some certain things that are concrete, unlike me...blah. Anyway, I guess I went back to listening to JC. Jason came back from work so we watched the Simpsons. Then he went to the store to get some food. He made steak for dinner. Yay! Half-watched the Daily Show but my mind was elsewhere. I texted Rob...he called me back. He was out with co-workers playing ultimate frisbee. It wouldn't have been so hard to just tell me that....grr. Yeah, I was slightly annoyed with Rob. He explained he might not be able to see me because he stayed out until 3 the previous night at Reanne's helping some of her friends sober up. That was fine but he never called back to confirm he wouldn't stop by. Whatever...stuff happens, I guess. I listened to JC again (it was one of those days, I guess!) and just went to bed.
Yesterday: I slept in until after 11 because I didn't want to leave. I packed up my stuff then Jason and I left for Denver. Awh...I had so much fun in Fort Collins! ♥ I had chicken and broccoli for lunch, yum. Then I drove to the old house. Jason said my indecision will be the death of me, haha. So true. Mom met us there later...Jason cleared out my old room so I will be able to paint soon. I didn't do anything. I did talk to Sarah about my frustrations, lol. Drove to King Soopers and I went in with Mom while Jason waited. I told her some about my stay in Fo Co. Had steak again for dinner since it was leftover. Didn't feel like going out with Jen so I watched some Simpsons with Jason--season 5, heck yes. Then we went upstairs to bask in the nice AC'ed room before bed. Was too tired to update so I just crashed.
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A Quick and Dirty IQ TestHaha, I M dum.