NaNo day 1

Nov 01, 2012 19:20

The only thing I don't like about living where I live is there are no NaNo write ins. I'd have to drive an hour from work and an hour and a half home and that's just a pain in the ass.

So I'm doing NaNo alone again this year. And this year I'm writing fic again instead of original fiction which is what I did last year.

It's One Direction Harry/Niall and so far it's going okay, I suppose. I have 2000 words that aren't terrific but definitely better than they could be. I have this idea that I like well enough but before I decided to do it for NaNo, I had plotted it out to 20,000 words. So I'm not sure choosing to do it for NaNo when I need 50,000 words was all that wise.

(I'm disabling commenting on my NaNo posts because I want to do NaNo check ins but I feel weird about it and for some reason that doesn't even make sense to me, disabling comments makes me feel better about the whole thing.)

nano check in, nanowrimo 2012

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