Oh not again

Sep 20, 2012 19:59

Ugh. Stupid effing Days of Our Lives.

After the disaster that was Kyle/Fish and getting my heart broken by One Life to Live, I swore up, down and sideways that I would not get invested in another soap couple.

Well, that's like when I was eighteen and swore I'd never love another boyband. HAH HAH HAH.

There's these two guys, Sonny and Will, and Sonny is all "yay I'm gay and I'm proud, isn't it great to be gay?" and Will's all "no, I can't be gay, anything but gay, please don't let me be gay" and Sonny was his gay yoda as he was figuring out that okay, drunkenly slamming a guy against the wall and trying to swallow him face first probably means that you're a little less straight than previously advertised. Sonny was all wise and understanding even when Will was self-loathing and kind of pathetic and then they were friends and then there was a shit ton of misunderstandings including this week's in which Will canceled their first date because he overheard Sonny's mom saying he wasn't good enough for Sonny so Will had an angst filled week and then Sonny tracked him down and said YOU ARE WRONG and then kissed him. And it was the sweetest, loveliest kiss ever (YES, even lovelier than my beloved Kish) and I just want to drown myself because this is going to end badly, especially given that in a fit of self-loathing, Will slept with his ex-girlfriend a couple of weeks ago. If she ends up pregnant, I'm going to throw things and loudly.


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if you're interested, and why the hell wouldn't you be. It hasn't even aired yet, it airs tomorrow, but TV Guide was kind of enough to end the suspense, given I've been waiting for these two assholes for four months.

Or you could just look at this, which I made for Tumblr because I had a spare afternoon.

And now back to listening to this cover on repeat.
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