Another day of talking like a three year old and my brain is fried

Jul 31, 2008 20:29

I don't know what to do with myself now that my spn_j2_bigbang fic is posted.

Tomorrow I can get started on bittybang and I actually have to hammer something out for Something Like August which is due tomorrow. But I feel so lost without this story hanging over my head.

Today I had a really nice lunch with my aunt and babysat for a few hours.

Let me tell you about this family. They live in the same neighborhood as my aunt, in a huge gorgeous house. The little girl, Olivia, is the MOST spoiled little girl I've ever met. And she's a diva. The other night I was putting her to bed and she was trying to get me to let her go downstairs and watch tv. I told her she had two options, to sit in bed and read a book or go to sleep. She let out this huge put upon sigh and said, "you are NOT treating me like I deserve to be treated." I had to leave the room so I could go burst into laughter. Good gracious. Tonight we were having a "pizza party" in the basement and watching Anastasia on the biggest tv I've ever seen in my life and her uncle and aunt came downstairs to say hi. She turns to them and says "excuse me, I don't want to be rude but we're watching a movie so could you go away?"

I don't even know what to do with this kid. She's so entitled and she talks like a thirty-year old.

But I love her despite how annoyingly bossy she can be.

And she's really beautiful.

And then there's her brother Christopher who is three years old and goes around singing "poopy face" all the time and can't pronounce his Ls so he calls me Yoey and his sister Awydia. He's my buddy.


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