Can we please talk about the genius that is Inception?
I just...I love the layers so much. And it was much easier to follow on second viewing. The first time I was struggling to keep up, but once it ended, I realized I understood the whole thing. The second time, I got to grasp each piece of the puzzle as it happened, and by the time the end came, I was like squealing in delight as all the little details came together.
Pretty much every key piece you need to know about the plot is repeated in the movie. You're waiting for a train, Dom breaks his own rules, an idea is a virus, we'll be old men together, so on.
Also I love how their names all represent things. Ariadne and the Minotaur's maze, Mal is latin, Eames was a couple of really smart brothers, and Bobby Fischer! Like...the chess player. IDK I was thrilled. Much like how the score of the main theme is simply the kick music slowed down. Jus little bits that make the whole really really neato.
My favorites are still Arthur and Eames, like the rest of the world. All their little bits are definitely the highlights of the movie, little splices of humor at appropriate times. I came to understand and care more about Dom the second time around, though. I've read people having a problem connecting emotionally through the movie, and yeah, there's less to grasp with as far as caring that the job gets pulled off as opposed to caring if Dom gets back with his children, but I think it works. No part is over-done. You get just enough emotional baggage mixed with all the action to get Dom's motive. And can I just say, GODDAMN LEO DICAPRIO, WHY SO ATTRACTIVE? Last time I found that man good-looking was Titanic, now all of the sudden I feel like I'm 10 again and I want to plaster his face on my wall (lol coincidentally i just tore down all my posters a few days ago). Also, JGL! I don't really find him appealing like 3/4 of tumblr apparently does, but dude, the shifting gravity scenes were pretty much the highlight of the movie visually.
But yeah, wicked in love with how brilliant this movie is. Christopher Nolan needs to spread his genius on other filmmakers.
Fun stuff:
Inception Production Notes and Actor Bios
Inception Soundtrack I have been searching far and wide for a legit download of the film itself, but so far no luck. :/
And one last thing, from the inception kink meme,
Inception, as written by the Lonely Island Boys. Pure hilarious.
I also saw Twilight Saga: Eclipse (the same day I saw Inception the first time.) No, I did not force Brett to go see it, I took Christina and we did a girls night out sort of thing, except you know, pregnant chick and fat chick night out, not so exciting. Eclipse wasn't terrible. I did not have to stifle my laughter at the ridiculousness of Edward's lines constantly, although I did a few times. I still maintain that the only redeeming quality of those films is Taylor Lautner's chest, which MY GOD. He wears a shirt in ONE SCENE in that movie. That's it. It was glorious.
I posted fic. It's Dean/Sam, Dean/Alastair. Three of my four fills for blindfold_spn. (The fourth one was one of the watersports ones, you can probably figure out which. Not gonna claim that sucker officially, lol.) Probably wasn't the smartest idea to post it on the same day as the comic con panel if I wanted it go get read. But eh, wanted it posted. SO THERE.