Maybe I will watch it then. IDK IDK. I'm so very... chagrined about the whole thing. IDEK what's wrong with me. You can't just STOP liking something, can you?
No, I totes get it. This season has been very disillusioning as far as the awesome scale of Supernatural goes. But no, I don't think you can just up and STOP liking something. But you can definitely become less enamored with it. Especially after all the bombs lately. This not a bomb. It may not be as amazing to you as it is to others, but I don't think you'll be terribly disappointed. It's definitely better than last week. :P
I'm also of the opinion that if you're gonna watch a series, you can't just SKIP an episode because you don't like its contents. Otherwise I would've NEVER finished Firefly or Veronica Mars.
I LIKED ALL OF FIREFLY. Veronica Mars... never saw, never wanted to.
Idk I went from OMG I LOVE SUPERNATURAL MY LIFE IS SUPERNATURAL to not even wanting to see the episode. I probably won't even see last week's until I get the DVD (if I do). My grandma came in all YOU'RE NOT WATCHING SUPERNATURAL?! and I was just like .... :| it's not my life ok.
I think I liked all of Firefly, too, now that I think about it. I was failing at coming up with shows that I'd seen all of that you'd seen all of too. LOL. I was trying for a point, lol.
I totally wouldn't have watched last week's Supernatural if it weren't for my parents wanting to watch it too. IDK, I lose interest in things here and there, but even in the case of say, Heroes, I'm still kinda curious about what's going on because I still care about the characters. I suppose there are shows I just watch an episode here and there, but I don't really give a shit about, too. Like House. /shrug
I watched that one Heroes with Sylar doing Matt's wife as Matt haha just because HELLO. But before that, I hadn't watched it in a year, so for the rest of the ep I was all what is that who is he what is happening wtf is this show about any more.
I'm also of the opinion that if you're gonna watch a series, you can't just SKIP an episode because you don't like its contents. Otherwise I would've NEVER finished Firefly or Veronica Mars.
Idk I went from OMG I LOVE SUPERNATURAL MY LIFE IS SUPERNATURAL to not even wanting to see the episode. I probably won't even see last week's until I get the DVD (if I do). My grandma came in all YOU'RE NOT WATCHING SUPERNATURAL?! and I was just like .... :| it's not my life ok.
I totally wouldn't have watched last week's Supernatural if it weren't for my parents wanting to watch it too. IDK, I lose interest in things here and there, but even in the case of say, Heroes, I'm still kinda curious about what's going on because I still care about the characters. I suppose there are shows I just watch an episode here and there, but I don't really give a shit about, too. Like House. /shrug
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