Supernatural 5.04: The great amazing.

Oct 02, 2009 10:02

I wrote all this last night at like 3am half-drunk on wine coolers and extremely extremely morose. Actually, it's pretty upbeat for what I'm feeling now. But seriously. BEST. EPISODE. EVER. I'm'a be thinking about this one for weeks.

Seriously. They tout me an episode of my dreams: Apocalypse, future, zombies. The only thing I'm disappointed in is the lack of zombie.

Other than one thing, I absolutely loved this episode so fucking much. Definitely gonna be one of my favorites of the season, for sure. The one thing? JENSEN SWEETHEART, CHRISTIAN BALE CALLED. HE SERIOUSLY WANTS YOU TO STOP DOING HIS BATMAN VOICE. I didn't think it could get any more annoying, but future!Dean...MAN. Cut it out, dude.

HOW COULD DEAN LET THE IMPALA GET LIKE THAT? I mean, no, seriously. HOW. Okay, so it's not an all-terrain Jeep or truck or the other craptastic vehicles they were driving (and just think, they could've been riding HORSES. COME ON, GIVE ME HORSES!), but for god's sakes, at least GARAGE her, not just let her...die without dignity! Also dude. present!Dean stole a Buick. Where did his tastes go? LOL.

Jensen looks prettier in green than in blue. Yes, yes.

Okay, not like everyone isn't thinking it, but DEAN. liked wearing. GIRL'S UNDERWEAR. *dies* Okay, now Kripke's just totally picking on us. I know that one's been written somewhere, had to have been. Too cliche not to have been.

Stoned!Castiel is my favorite. "That's how I roll." How much of that was the writers going "Well, Misha does THIS, so..." LOL.

I wish Lexa Doig would've been in it more. When I hear "woman in an apocalyptic world" I totally think of her. She needed to kick some ass. And Dean needed more gun action, especially with that leg holster. Also, the Colt!

I was actually surprised Sam chose to tell Dean he was Lucifer's vessel, but good for him. Yay, honesty. I'm glad they're trying it...assuming Dean tells Sam about the future. Although I suppose I understand why he wouldn't. Future!Dean wasn't exactly a good human being, understandably. It's interesting to me that on implying that Dean had gone back to torturing demons, it also meant that he was torturing the human. I guess the quality of life no longer matters.

Anyway, yada yada yada, LUCIFER!SAM, how I love you, let me count the ways. You wear a white suit and 80s loafers, you kill future!Dean quickly instead of torturing him, you don't kill present!Dean because that would be "redundant." You use Sam's puppy face amazingly well to your advantage, and you talk like the Satan of Paradise Lost, which I already knew was going to happen but it still awed me. YES, OKAY, I HAVE SYMPATHY FOR THE DEVIL. *hums* It's wearing Jared's puppy face, what am I supposed to do, I can't help it! And dude, was Jared made to play the devil?

But seriously. Lucifer was kicked out because he loved God too much. Dean kept himself separated from Sam because he knew his weakness was that he loved him too much. where's the lucifer/god/dean/sam fics?

Anyway, I'm glad it ended with a pretty scenery shot with a reunion. I would've been happy with them apart for another week or two, but we'll see. as long as they aren't all good, I'll be happy. I wonder how much time is supposed to have passed since they broke up?

Edit: I'll just leave this here.

Anyway, EEEEE EPISODE!! Nothing will compare to this episode for awhile at least, I'm sure. NOTHING. Life is crap, but Supernatural is AMAZING.

spn: in retrospect, angels or something?, all roads lead to supernatural, zombies rule!, jared freaking padalecki, apocalype when?

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