a day like any other day

Sep 18, 2009 03:31

Obviously, someone was trying to stop me from watching tonight's episode, as it took three tries plus the download I'm currently watching in order for me to see the entire thing. Eastern time showing at home: Channel craps out, like its been doing since our cable got downgraded. Fucking Avenue. So I went to Brett's to watch it, even though the picture looks crappy on his HD. Mountain time showing: captions are all screwed up and we can't turn it up loud because people are sleeping. Pacific time showing: Um, we got distracted. So yay, download!

So anyway.

The Joker: Introduce a little anarchy. Upset the established order, and everything becomes chaos. I'm an agent of chaos. Oh, and you know the thing about chaos? It's fair!

I think a lot of his quotes in TDK are fitting sometimes.

+ I love it when the music in the episode is already in my library/I know the words. And it's an added bonus if I can play it in Rock Band! Also, YAY MUSIC IS BACK!
+ Bobby wears a hat even in the hospital. LOL, he's like my DAD.
+ I don't get the episode title. Okay, yeah, Castiel's on a quest to find the Holy Grail Alanis MorrisetteGod. But other than that, God is not really a part of this episode AT ALL. I mean, I get the song reference to that War song, but surely there was a better title. And along that line, I totally agree with Brett: "Spirit in the Sky" is too bouncy happy a song to be playing while Sam and Dean are looking for SURVIVORS and demons.
+ How does Castiel even know HOW to use a cell phone? Or what Sam's number is? And WHY the fuck call Sam instead of Dean? /questions with no answers
+ "I did it all for you." I do not by any means want this to be the Dean/Castiel show. I don't even remotely ship them. But GOD, the UST in this episode. Even Brett saw it when Cas said "Dean, give it to me." He was like "Okay, I see how fangirls can see these relationships." LOL
+ Can we include Sam in the scene where Dean's not wanting to give up the necklace? Like, some acknowledgment of WHY he doesn't want to give it to Cas? A longing glance backwards to remind us how they used to love each other would be nice. Or a cut to Sam's face to see what he thinks about all this? And seriously. THAT necklace...finds GOD? It looks like an Egyptian glyph or something. IDK, I didn't like that part. Just another wedge driven between Sam/Dean toward Dean/Castiel.
+ *drools over War's car* Apocalypse...what? Sam's emo...what? ALL IS LOST. NEEDS MOAR MUSTANG.
+ "Where'd you serve?" "Hell." *wibble*
+ I made the obligatory ONE RING TO RULE THEM ALL joke to my mom on first viewing and then subsequently missed Dean's actual LotR reference. I think Brett caught it but took it as a Superman reference instead, though.
+ I like that Dean's obviously kind of memorized Revelation. "Wait, back up. It's the apocalypse?!"
+ I was really hoping for a Dean/Jo scene. His "Hi, Jo" was LAME. There weren't even any awkward faces exchanged.
+ Really kind of enjoyed War. I like that actor, though. And I'm glad they didn't give him a meatsuit. He's not a demon, he shouldn't need one. Although I think I will be miffed if that's the last we see of him, which it probably is. Which begs the question, WHAT IS DEAN GOING TO DO WITH THE RING?!
Inside Sam's head: "One track city in there. Blood, blood, blood." Cue this song in my head for the rest of the episode, which then got me thinking about the verses:

Well they encourage your complete cooperation,
Send you roses when they think you need to smile.
I can't control myself because I don't know how,
And they love me for it honestly, I'll be here for a while.
-Castiel (Okay, this one's a bit of a stretch.)

So give them blood, blood, gallons of the stuff!
Give them all that they can drink and it will never be enough.
So give them blood, blood, blood.
Grab a glass because there's going to be a flood!
-Sam, for obvious reasons

A celebrated man amongst the gurneys.
They can fix me proper with a bit of luck.
The doctors and the nurses they adore me so,
But it's really quite alarming cause I'm such an awful fuck. (Why thank you!)
-Bobby, "When you find God, tell him to send legs."

I gave you blood, blood, gallons of the stuff,
I gave you all that you can drink and it has never been enough.
I gave you blood, blood, blood,
I'm the kind of human wreckage that you love!
-Dean, his stay in hell

I had a lot of superficial problems with this episode, but overall, I pretty much loved it. Yes, even the end. I *like* that they're not just putting it behind them, it's something that isn't easy to get over. I like that Sam's taking space. I think the fact that Dean thinks he'll worry LESS about Sam when he's not around is ridiculous, but if he's not hunting, I guess I could see the logic. But dude, couldn't Dean at least give him a ride somewhere? Also, PRETTY ENDING BACKGROUND. &hearts

In conclusion, to sum up Sam and Dean's ever increasing soap-opera relationship:
You'll be in love till it kills you both. You'll fight, and you'll shag, and you'll hate each other until it makes you quiver, but you'll never be friends. Love isn't brains, children, it's blood -- blood screaming inside you to work its will.

It took me over an hour to make this post. WHUT.

spn: in retrospect, it's not about power. its about buffy, quoteage, lyrics, all roads lead to supernatural

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