So, that one movie, yeah? Have you seen it yet? You should. :D
I'm sitting outside on my patio as I type this. The weather's been GLORIOUS this weekend. There was a failed kite-flying attempt yesterday, and today would've been much more suited for it, but alas. I had no one to do it with today. :(
Disclaimer: I AM/WAS a fan of the graphic novel before seeing the movie. So a lot of what I base the awesomeness of the movie on is comparison to the comics. I'm not one of those people who thought that the movie would ruin the book. In fact, from what I've read, I like the movie for the very reasons others don't like it as an adaptation.
It's long. It's very long, and I think if you don't know the story you might get bored at parts. Brett and I ran into some friends at the theater, totally not knowing they were going to be there, because really, who else is insane enough to drive an hour to see a three hour movie at midnight, and sat with them, and they hadn't read it, so by the end they were complaining of numb butts. LOL.
The soundtrack is fucking amazing. Janis Joplin, Dylan, Nena, goes on. I did my best to stay away from all the publicity about the movie, seeing as I'd been excited enough about it for the last year, I didn't need to see any spoilers or anything. I think I sang along to every song that played. Only song choice that made me go WTF was Hallelujah during the oh so hilarious sex scene. I mean, I think it's a great song choice, really, it's just the fact that usually that song is used at funerals and sad-type stuff. Then again, that version of it was perfectly suited. There's so many versions of that song.
Zack Snyder is pretty much God. There are so many shots in the movie that are EXACTLY the same as the novel, it's impressive. And the cinematography is so pretty, the way the fight scenes are filmed, and artistic blood. This is no children's movie, for sure. In fact,
Billy Crudup thinks NO ONE is old enough for this movie. LOL. It's a funny interview. Speaking of, there's giant blue peen in your face for a decent amount of the movie, which again, is exact to the novel, but uhm...not needed. Every time, without fail, Brett would say "atomic dong!" My boyfriend is 5, I swear.
The switched ending from giant squid destroying Manhattan to Ozzy using Manhattan's powers to do the deed made A LOT of sense, for me. It did mean leaving out some of the good characterization of Ozymandias from the book, but I think the switch worked just fine. There were things left out from the book that made me sad, little explanations like Rorschach's mask. But (and Brett makes fun of me for this) I did notice how the pattern changed every time he breathed in or out, and when Ozzy punched him in the end, it turned full black because it's pressure sensitive. Little details like that made me really giddy.
I'm not disappointed they left Tales from the Black Freighter out of it. It would've slowed the pace of the movie. I'm not even sure I'll go buy the dvd for it, I really wasn't the biggest fan, although it does add to the story. I found Laurie to be totally less annoying in the movie than she is in the book, to the point of almost being my new favorite character, but hands down, JDM rules as the Comedian. And really, I didn't find him to be as bastardly as the Comedian could've been, really. I felt for the Comedian, for sure.
I don't know. I could go on and on about this movie for miles. I LOVED IT, HANDS DOWN. I've been waiting for a year, ever since I read the first thing about it, and I was not disappointed. I do love the novel, but I do love the movie as well. I'm going to see it again sometime this week with my mom, so I'll maybe have more specifics to say then, but I could go on and on without really saying anything about it. So...GO WATCH IT.
And ask away if you want my opinion on ANYTHING, really. I love talking about it. LOVE, love, love.