Aug 07, 2005 01:13
I dyed my hair tonight. I did it myself because I wanted it done and Kt was with Nick and Steph was "too tired" to do anything tonight. It was supposed to be some mahogany ish color. I don't think it turned out right. Depending on how it turns out when I see it 2morrow (after its dry and has settled) I might get one of the streaks/highlights at home kits and do that next weekend. I wanted to ask a man his opinion on what color to do my hair but there is no reliable source to talk to this time around. Mike isn't talking to me and I don't know why. I sent him an email about a week ago and I haven't heard from him. Everybody up here is pretty much irritating me b/c nobody wants to go out and do anything. I am trying to save money so I totally understand but none of us EVER go out all together and it would be nice to do. Rach's pregnant so God forbid she do anything (especially with out whining), Steph's all family orientated, Kt's in Nick land, Alej's in Dekalb and expects everyone to come to her and entertain her, Brian and Tony are so freaking random it's a pain in the ass to even try, Chris is home I think so Jeanette's out of the question (she's a pain in the ass to hang out with anyways, you gotta freaking make an appt), Andrew, Chaser and Squints are in Murray, as is Jessie, Joel and I haven't talked since he was at the bar, Lindsay doesn't plan anything and loves going out during the week when I have work (drinking with her friends at Cadillac when no one dances does not sound like fun when I'd have no idea what they're talking about), Phil is Phil, Robby works like crazy, has the girlfriend and is involved activly in church so hes crazy busy (and in naperville), thats it off the top of my head.... but see and then there's me. I had such a good time with the guys from work but I don't think that hanging out with me is on the top of their lists. If "he" wanted to hang out outside of work he'd take me out for the drinks he told me he'd buy me. Dawn's crazy busy with the wedding stuff so that makes it difficult, and she's more of a home body cuz she did the party/bar thing already. I have just royally screwed myself yeah...... Wish me luck for anything and everything!