A: 1768 Beaver Street, Wednesday
[Davis was still nowhere near adjusted to being in Mayfield when weird things started happening. And once the weird things started happening, him and Karen did what any sensible police officers would do: kept calm and stayed inside. They'd also planned to alternate drinking the milk, juuuust to be sure nothing bad happened. Of course nothing bad happened to Karen. It wasn't until the next day, when Davis had to drink it, that it was awful. Within the hour, he's curled up on the couch in the front room, feeling fevered and sporting a stomach ache and the knowledge that no matter how hard he whines, he's not going to ever get much sympathy from his partner.
Their "children" on the other hand, are for more sympathetic. Which is just creepy.]
B: Butcher Shop, Friday
[Assimilation to a certain degree was always helpful in genre-appropriate flicks, so Davis is currently on day three of the job he'd been assigned when he showed up. Unfortunately, he is also on his second day of the milk rotation and while trying to vehemently deny that he's under the influence of anything, it's really hard to keep calm and carry on when sometimes you were pretty sure the beef was mooing at you.
So if you're out for meat - or just out at work - there's a good chance a butcher is going to suddenly stop everything and go wide-eyed because he's hallucinating something else. He may or may not admit to it if you question him. You should try anyway.]