Character Relationships

Jun 07, 2010 10:44

Updated: 7/05/10

♔ King: The higher-ups. Please them, keep them happy; they have our undying loyalty.
♕ Queen: Equal footing--comrades and companions. Spill all the secrets.
♖ Rook: Stand tall, stay strong. Lean on them for support, and let them lean on you.
♗ Bishop: Fickle and finicky. These people are light and dark intermingled.
♘ Knight: Praise your champions. They defend their rights.
♙ Pawn: Uncertain footing. What will you become?

Her Verse:



Soul's older sister by three years. She's the current champion of Sinnoh, and Soul has yet to be able to win against her. Unlike Soul, Platinum dislikes constantly having challengers and would rather sleep. However, recently, she's regained some of her spark and has traveled to the region of Isshu. A younger version of her is on Awesome Island--even though Soul hasn't realized this yet. Met and loved. Soul and Platinum have decided to keep apart for the most part, at Platinum's suggestion.



The former champion of Kanto who helped Soul train. He's the same age as Platinum, and Soul often seeks his advice when she isn't sure what to do. While he didn't originally speak much, Red is slowly starting to act more lively and his friends have even managed to get him off of Mt. Silver a few times. There seem to be a lot of him at Awesome Island--not that Soul minds!



Soul's childhood friend. He was always one step ahead of her on their Pokemon journey. And, for a while, she resented him for it. And that made her feel guilty. But it was he who was chosen by Ho-Oh and Suicune. And she had to fight for her right. Nevertheless, she finally managed to beat him. And, once more, the two are best friends. Even if he also left for Isshu.



A guy who fought Gold time and time again, trying to get stronger. While he was originally gruff and cruel to his Pokemon, Soul met him after his reform. She doesn't know him all that well, but he's pretty fun to tease. Gold has a bit of a love/hate relationship with him.

Dressing Room Verse:



The first person that Soul met. He has a baby Dodo! Ash, being the leader of a gym, is interesting to Soul, but she hasn't quite formed an opinion yet.

-Pokegear Number Acquired!



An adorable version of Soul! Kotone was the first duplicate she met. While her Totodile is also cute, Titan didn't like the little Pokemon. Oh well~



Well, she knows. Soul appreciates the fact that Kotone hasn't developed the same starstruck attitude Soul has with Platinum and Red. Kotone is a wild constant in Soul's life, and she enjoys Kotone's spunk and energy. They can be random buddies!



Aww. It's a younger version of Red who hasn't fought Soul yet! She likes that he's a bit more talkative and wants to cuddle his cute little baby Pokemon. Going to challenge him to a battle~
Also, sob, he knows that she's afraid of bugs.

-Pokegear Number Acquired!



It's a female version of Blue; this island is awesome! Soul actually really likes Green. She feels, however, that she must help Green slowly overcome her shyness concerning affection. Even if that means braving more pigtail pulling.



Soul was surprised to find out that she was really happy that all the Golds seemed to act the same. This one is just as peppy and cocky as the one she knows, but he still has that innocence of a child.



Protective instincts like whoa for this one. Soul finds it endlessly fascinating to just interact with him. He's much more willing to show emotion compared to his older selfs, and Soul has actually found the courage to give him hugs. He is adorable and sweet, and she's already decided that if you mess with him, you're going to face her wrath. Oh, he's currently living with her, too.

+ Once Soul meets someone, they will be placed on here automatically. Whether or not she knows their name.
+ All Platinums (Dawns/Hikaris/etc.) & Reds are automatically considered "King" level. Their actions may make them lose this level, though.

!ooc, !relationships

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