First thoughts on 602 "Two and a half men"

Oct 01, 2010 22:54


Okay so I'm warning you guys, I'm not too gentle in my review this week. I'm feeling really disappointed by that episode and sadly I don't think a second time watching it will change that.

So here it is, let me know if you're feeling the same or differently, please I'm curious.

Until next time,
alwaysateen :)

Go ahead if you dare... )

season 6, two and a half men, supernatural, lisa, ben, sam winchester, review, dean winchester, first thougts

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6.02 zaphael_firefly October 2 2010, 19:28:13 UTC
I understand a certain amount of disappointment with this episode myself, I was disappointed with this episode for different reasons.

I think sometimes what we want and what is real are two different beasts, Dean's freak out was a perfectly normal reaction to the situation they were in not too long ago.
If you had a past and it came knocking on your door with the intent to kill you, you'd move and be paranoid for a couple months at least. Especially with the monsters playing by new rules it would send you into a paranoid tailspin. It wouldn't have been realistic of Dean to be just 'oh the monsters know where I live now let's get a new welcome mat'.

With Sam I think we're dealing with the fact that Sam isn't able to feel with the intensity that he used to, every emotion he has is a faint echo of what he used to feel. Sam knows that he is supposed to be horrified by the babies going missing and the families being butchered. But, the emotion of horror or outrage isn't there, I think this is a bi-product of his time in Hell. I imagine the sheer emotional and physical overload of being trapped with Lucifer, Michael and the Cage was too much, so as a defense mechanism he shut down. Now he's top side and there isn't anything that really compares to what he's gone through, there's nothing that can invoke that strong of an emotional response. Like watching a G movie instead of an R rated movie any violence in the G movie isn't enough to make me feel sickened while an R movie I might have to turn away. (does that make sense?)

I was laughing at the brothers attempts at the super market Sam looked like he wanted to smother the kid to get it to shut up.
I found it disturbing though how Sam reacted to the baby once they found out it was a shapeshifter. I wondered what he would have done if Dean hadn't been there to keep him in check. (just a weird vibe on that one)

I was actually pleased with Lisa and her giving Dean her blessing to hunt again. I thought it showed a true understanding and love and understanding of Dean and who he is. Dean isn't a construction worker, he's a hunter, how could she ask him to turn his back on all the people who need him? She would be asking him to turn his back on his brother, which is something that Dean can never do. I don't see him hunting as giving up his new family, soldiers are away from their family for long periods of time. It will be like having a husband in the military. Just because he isn't with them 24/7 doesn't mean they can't function as a family. Not that this doesn't pose new challenges to work through but I think it's the best solution to the problem at the moment.

Yeah I totally squeed when the Impala came out from under the tarp, it was like both Dean and the car were finally being allowed to be themselves not hidden away like some dirty secret.

Thanks for the episode review, I always like to read other peoples thoughts on things to clarify my own. :-)


Re: 6.02 alwaysateen October 3 2010, 02:41:24 UTC
Thank you so much for leaving your comments and I thought it was cool to see someone else point of view.

I know Sam as been in a though spot and he's trying to deal with it but I always feel that he's going over them the wrong way. My personal opinion of course. It was nice to see Samuel trying to make him see how dark and unfeeling he has become. Sam knows it too but doesn't seem to care. Maybe if he's back to hunting with his brother, it will help him feel again, at least a little.

I was glad that Lisa understood Dean need to hunt and defend his family but also sad that she let him go so easily, I thought she would've fight more to keep him close. I'm sure she doesn't expect him to come see them every week but she better prepare herself for a long wait. I just hope we gonna see them real soon, I love them. :)

Thanks again for leaving me your thoughts and I'm looking forward to read more of your reviews. :)


Re: 6.02 zaphael_firefly October 3 2010, 03:03:06 UTC
Thank you for replying I love it when people write me back. :-)

I have to agree that hunting with Dean again will definately help, Dean and Sam have always kept the other human in so many ways. Sam is in serious need of Dean's softer influence. (never thought I'd say that)

"Sam knows it too but doesn't seem to care."

My mom always told me 'you can't fake what you don't have' I think this is the case with Sam. How can you care if you can't care? You don't wake up one day and just decide that the inablility to connect with others on a personal level will just magically disappear.
Sam's been back for a year, but what was Sam like before he met up with Samuel, or even Dean? We don't know, compared to that Sam might be the poster boy for mental health at this moment. ;-)


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