First thoughts on 601 "Exile on Main Street"

Sep 24, 2010 23:34

Hey guys,

I'm back with my reviews!

I know I still own you my tales of Chicago 2009 and I'm still working on it. Not sure anyone is still interested but I promised I would post it so I will. I want to even more now since I'm not going back this year. Man these conventions get expensive!

Ok, going back on the main subject, it was finally Premiere night and it was worth the wait!

I hope you gonna enjoy my review and I can't wait to hear your own thoughts about it!

Until next time,
alwaysateen :)

Finally our favorite show is back! Man what a long week it’s been! What is worth the wait? Yes it definitely was! I’m glad all the preview clips didn’t sell all the good parts, it was just enough to get you interested.

I love Dean living the apple pie life, it was cool. We could see it was difficult, that he was drinking a lot to help get him through the day but Lisa and Ben were happy to have him around. We could also see that Lisa didn’t want Dean to think about hunting, she got really suspicious when Dean starts snooping around in the garage. It was very sad to see the Impala under a tarp, we only got a glimpse of her and it wasn’t enough. So sweet when Dean said that she should be hunting, cute.

They really got me with the scratches on the walls and stuff; I was like what is that? But when he saw one on a phone poll and then the tiny garage, I was like it’s a trap, for sure. I was hoping, after seeing the preview that the YED was a hallucination and I’m glad I’ve got that one right. Lisa going to the ceiling too, ouf, got really scared there for a while.

The Sam arriving out of nowhere with a syringe was more weird then anything. Poor Dean, he must think he was finally insane after seeing his brother alive in front of him. I really don’t trust this “new” Sam, yes Hell changes people but this time I’m really not sure we got the 100% pure Sam back. I would say maybe 25% of the old Sam is still there, nothing more.

I’m very disappointed that we don’t know how Sam and even more Samuel got back. I mean, Samuel as been dead for more the 30 years, why bring him back now? The earth is too short on hunters, too many died during the Apocalypse? And what about the Campbell clan, where the Hell are they coming from? Dean and Sam were the only survivors and then they are six of them? Yeah right! It’s too good to be true; this all thing is a trap for Dean, a way to get the best hunter on earth back in the game. Well I’m very proud of Dean for returning to his new family and not fell for it! That got Sam too; he was so sure he got Dean back by his side for good. Well too bad for you, your brother is smarter then your stupid plan!

I’ve never seen Dean mad at Bobby; well I’ve got served today! I kind of understand his reason; he always wanted the best for Dean and was tired to see him get hurt, badly, all the time. But he could’ve let the info slip, Dean deserve to know that. I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t have return to hunting if he knew his brother was alive but he would’ve sleep better at night. Just seeing his face in the opening scene when he was in bed with Lisa told me he wasn’t okay, very far from it. So I understand why Dean felt so betrayed by Bobby. He’s not finish with Sam, you see that he’s reserving his anger issues for later, when they gonna be truly alone. We got a semi-hug now I’m waiting for the punch because Sam deserves a big one!

So it was an awesome premiere, fill with questions but also action, mystery and family. I’m so glad Lisa and Ben are not out of the picture yet, I adore these characters and what they bring to Dean.

first thoughts, season 6, sam winchester, supernatural, bobby singer, dean winchester, exile on main street

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