First thoughts on 5.11 "Sam Interrupted"

Jan 21, 2010 22:57

Hey guys, I'm back!

Okay so I didn't post my experience at the Chicago Convention, I know I'm very bad, sorry. :( I'm wondering if someone will still be interested anyway...

In other stories, a new episode was finally on tonight! It was awesome! Worth the wait!

Hope you enjoy it as much as I did and let me know your thoughts!

Until later,

Oh wow, what a glorious return!

The preview clips freaked me out but the episode itself was way higher on the freaking scale. Again, some Oscar’s worthy performances from our boys but a special mention goes to Jensen. I would lock him down in a psychological hospital straight away, that’s how convincing he was!

The boys responded to a call made by a former hunter, Martin (again an awesome performance by that actor, wow) who lock himself in voluntarily years ago after a hunt gone bad. Patients are dying like flies and something supernatural is causing it. We learn that it was Sam’s plan to get them admitted. A very dangerous plan if you ask me but Sam seems to think it could help his brother who hadn’t been dealing well with Jo and Ellen’s deaths. He seems very worried that Dean is back to the state he was when he got out of Hell. Well, things have not gone well lately so he has some good excuses.

After some investigating and meeting new people, like a very nice psychologist for Dean (a very nice twist there by the way), the boys figure out what they up against, how to find it and how to kill it. But the creature seems to know their every move and defend itself. How? The boys start loosing their grips to reality. Sam becomes extremely violent and gets lock down for his trouble. Dean is affected too but it seems to help his thinking and he figures the creature’s plan. So even almost completely nuts, Dean manages to save the day, with some good help from Martin.

I just adore the ending, how Dean manages to make Sam realise why he always bury his feelings so that they don’t affect his judgment and his job. It’s a hard life, very rude on the psych, but someone got to do it!

first thoughts, sam winchester, sam interrupted, supernatural, season 5, dean winchester

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