First thoughts on 5.04 "The End"

Oct 31, 2009 01:17

I'm a little late on my schedule to post a review each day so I will post two in a row!

Here's the first one for the awesome episode "The End"

Until next time, well in just a few minutes, lollll.

Another SN night as gone by and here's my review:

We saw the 3 Director’s Cut right from the beginning, well almost, so the rest was all surprises! Well they sell the punches sometimes with the guest stars list and the "Then" clip in the beginning but I was very happy with one beloved object we saw in the clip! I can't wait till it's back!

Anyway, Dean talks to Castiel and Sam on the phone (this conversation doesn't end very well...) and then wake up in a very fugly future. He gets a little "visit" to explain why he's there, well sort of and then find trouble very easily, lollll.

Let me tell you something, Jensen is awesome in the double role! He did a perfect job with future mean Dean and clueless past Dean. But like Future Castiel said, I prefer pasty, lollll. There are some clues to make the difference, like no ring for instance which past Dean notice right away, but the years and the bad experiences have change him. We still see parts of the old Dean but they're hidden very well, again, wonderful job on Jensen's part.

Jared was great too for his little Sam in white part, very creepy I may add...

All this help teach a lesson to Dean but not the one intended though... But it makes you think about what repercussion your actions could have.

Anyway, it was an awesome episode! Even if it was a darker atmosphere, they always find a way to make you laugh like crazy, like the mini quiz past Dean did to prove he was Dean to older Dean. You'll know what I mean, lolll.

first thoughts, the end, castiel, supernatural, sam winchester, dean winchester, season 5, jensen ackles

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