First thoughts on 5.02 "Good God Y'All"

Oct 27, 2009 20:28

A new day is here so it's time to post my next "first thoughts" on my list!

Until next time,
alwaysateen :)

As usual it was an awesome episode! It was so cool to see Helen and Jo. :) The little look Dean gave Jo when he finally saw her was very cute... I never really like Rufus but he was okay tonight. We didn't see a lot of Bobby and Castiel today, mostly the part we saw in the DC... Also, Castiel had a very weird request for Dean.

After the call from Rufus, the boys arrived in a very disturbing town. They found Helen or she found them pretty quickly and learns more about what's going on in town. During different battles, Sam starts realising some truths about himself and doesn't really like what he had found...

Anyway, it was a full action pack episode and we had some awesome replies from Dean to Castiel to add to our memories, lolll. I also love his interactions with people, some he knows, some he first meet. He's always interested in knowing them better you know. It feels like Sam is too much used to only be passing by to care about anyone. We could see Helen feeling like that because she was very relieved in seeing Dean alive but only nod at Sam, like she was angry he didn't contact her while he was without Dean... I don't know, maybe it's just me.

If I only have one regret, I thought the ending was a little bit rushed. It was mainly on the two brothers, like last week, but we didn't see anyone else after the battle was over. :( Well that will give us some space to add some tags. :)

first thoughts, sam winchester, supernatural, good god y'all, season 5, dean winchester

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