Name: Jen
Are you over 16?: Y
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ravengreenleafEmail: raven_greenlead@hotmail.com
Timezone: EST
Other contact: aim - blackskymetro
Characters already in the game: River Tam -
amygdalatedHow did you find us?: I've been here for agesss
Character name: Adam Young
Fandom: Good Omens: The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch
Timeline: Post-book
Age: 11
~*Magical*~ abilities and strengths: Adam is the antichrist, which seems to have conferred upon him some rather interesting abilities. His purpose in the world was to bring about the apocalypse and to that end he was granted something that no child should ever have access to. The power to change the world. As a child he unconsciously molded his hometown into an ideal paradise for a child. Perfect weather for each season (snow on christmas, perfect summer days ect...) as well as a sort of inborn protection that kept both the forces of heaven and the legions of hell from knowing where he actually was.
He also has a stunning ability to slouch in such a way as to communicate a variety of emotion.
How would they use their abilities?: In small ways. Adam made it clear at the end of the book that he won't interfere or try to fix things major things because if he did then there would be no telling where he would stop.
Appearance: Adam has been described as something of a greek god in miniature or perhaps an angelic face. He's still in that scrawny stage of youth before puberty hits though he still has some elegance to him. He has curly blonde hair and blue eyes that given him the looks of someone who was meant for some other time period.
Background/Personality: Once upon a time there was a demon named Crowley (an angel who didn't so much fall as saunter vaguely downwards), and after being summoned to a graveyard in the middle of the night Crowley was given charge to a very important baby. This baby was known as The Adversary, Destroyer of Kings, Angel of the Bottomless Pit, Great Beast that is called Dragon, Prince of this world, Father of Lies, Spawn of Satan, and Lord of Darkness. He was the antichrist brought to earth as a sign that the end times would soon be upon the world. Crowley took this baby to an religious hospital run by an order of fairly harmless satanic nuns. (The chattering order of Saint Beryl, who were nuns who took the opposite of a vow of silence). This was all part of hell's elaborate plot to make sure that The Adversary, Destroyer of Kings, Angel of the Bottomless Pit, Great Beast that is called Dragon, Prince of this world, Father of Lies, Spawn of Satan, and Lord of Darkness would be placed with the influential family of the American Cultural Attache.
However when The Adversary, Destroyer of Kings, Angel of the Bottomless Pit, Great Beast that is called Dragon, Prince of this world, Father of Lies, Spawn of Satan, and Lord of Darkness was handed over to one Sister Mary Loquacious, one of the satanic nuns running the hospital, things got more than a little mixed up. This is because two women were giving birth to blonde haired boys at the same time. One was the wife of the American Cultural Attache and the other was Deirdre Young, a woman who lived in the nearby village of Tadfield. In a game of shuffle gone horribly wrong, the three children all ended up in quite the wrong (or right considering your view of it) place.
The Adversary, Destroyer of Kings, Angel of the Bottomless Pit, Great Beast that is called Dragon, Prince of this world, Father of Lies, Spawn of Satan, and Lord of Darkness was renamed Adam Young and placed with the Youngs instead of the American Cultural Attache's family. The Young's original baby was given to the American Cultural Attache and that lone leftover baby was adopted out.
So instead of living out a life where the forces of heaven and hell were constantly pushing their influences on him, Adam grew up with an incredibly ordinary life. His fledgling antichrist powers shielded him from the notice of both sides and furthermore protected Tadfield and made it into something of a child's paradise. Adam loved his hometown fiercely and this love permeated the land over the course of his life. It was his place. It was his place in the world and because he loved it so much he never wanted it to change. Thus all translated into Tadfield stabilizing into fitting his desires. People didn't often move there or move away. Houses didn't get built. The weather was the picture perfect ideal for a child to enjoy. Snow on christmas, summers that were just hot enough to justify jumping into the local pond...
Adam made friends in Tadfield, a gang of three with him in the lead. (It was never a gang of four, but the others didn't mind it) There was Pepper (whose full name was Pippin Galadriel Moonchild but no one ever called her that when she was in earshot), Brian (a boy who no matter how baths he was made to take always seemed to have a ground in quality to him) and Wensleydale (who was the bookish, semi-mature member of the gang). Their gang was always changing names almost weekly based mainly on Adam's whims but as their childish infamy became known across the town they simply became known as Them and thus eventually adopted it as their name.
Now The Them got into a large number of shenanigans, having near weekly scuffles led by their rival gang Greasy Johnson and the Johnsonites. They didn't always win but what would be the fun in something without the risk? Anyways, Adam led this same sort of life right up until he turned 11 years old. His eleventh birthday signaled the beginning of the end as it were, his powers would be awakened and he would receive the hell hound that Hell had sent to be his companion as he brought about Armageddon. Whatever he named it would mark the hound's purpose in the world. (Most everyone was expecting Slays-by-night or Killer or something equally vicious. Crowley and Aziraphale were hoping he'd just turn the beast away.)
Well, Adam was united with his pet but... as things tended to go around Adam, it didn't go as planned. As Adam very seriously discussed what sort of dog he'd want (a small but brilliantly smart mutt, the sort that can go down rabbit holes with a ear that always flopped inside out) and then declared that if he'd name his new dog... Dog. And very suddenly a vicious hell hound was reduced to being a very normal and very small dog. But it was okay because Dog adapted pretty well to the situation.
Adam and his bunch got up to their usual shenanigans, and after learning the existence of a new person in Tadfield, a woman named Anathema Device who was supposed to be a witch. Well after intense discussion The Them decided to have a Spanish Inquisition. Only they didn't know anything about an inquisition beyond the hunting and torture of witches. So it ended up being a sort of spanish inquisition where they just added some spanish words in here and there and dunked Pepper's little sister in the pond a few times. After the inquisitors joined Pepper's sister in the pond Adam wandered home and managed to meet the witch who had sparked their whole Inquisition, Anathema Device.
Anathema was quite nice and chatted with Adam and did possibly the most foolish thing she could have have done. She gave new age magazines that gave him a larger awareness of the world just as he had bloomed into his powers. Adam's head was suddenly filled with conspiracy theories, environmental activism and all the wonders of the world and his powers latched onto these thoughts and started to change the world. Nuclear power plans were suddenly missing all their nuclear materials and yet were still pumping out power, rain forests grew at a startling pace.
Over the next few days of this, things began ton escalate until on that fateful Saturday when the world ended, Adam started to feel dissatisfied with the world. By reading about the world and things that were going wrong (deforestation of the rainforests, the endangered status of the whale population, pollution in general and all the things adults had caused in the world) he started to get angry and well... an angry antichrist is never a good thing. Because Adam started to hear the influences of his satanic in his mind and became something that was a little less Adam and a lot more dangerous. This more antichristly Adam decided that the world would be better off started from scratch.
And that's when the Apocalypse really started to get rolling, in that his Awakening is it was summoned the four horsepeople of the apocalypse: War, Famine, Pollution (Pestilence retired after the invention of penicillin) and Death.
He spent some time as a rather horrible mix of infernal and Adam that scared The Them quite thoroughly. He doled out slices of the world to each of his friends and started to talk about making the world into a children's paradise. However, the most innocuous of comments voiced by Pepper undid the trance that Adam had been in. She asked him what part of the world he was taking, and all he had ever wanted was Tadfield, the place that he loved more than anything. The web of thought about making things better fell apart around him when Adam found himself going on about fixing The Them so they wouldn't mind all the changes to the world. Faced with becoming something else that didn't care about the things and people he loved and being Adam Young he made a choice and decided to be himself.
Which left Adam with the problem of having to stop the Apocalypse that he himself had started. With the help of the The Them he started to think of a plan to make everything alright again. Not better or worse, just normal. So with his friends, Adam raced off to the Tadfield air base that was going to be the origin point for the main event.
Once at the air field base, to avoid trouble Adam put all the soldiers to sleep with the use of his new found abilities. He'd made sure that each of his friend's had a symbolic item to match each of the Horsepeople's totem items. War had a sword so Pepper had two sticks tied together to make something that resembled a sword. Famine had a set of scales so Wensleydale had a very crude and improvised set made out of sticks string and and grass. Pollution had a crown and thus so did Brian have one made out woven together grass. In the face off against these primal forces, the fact that Adam didn't want them there and nor did he want the end of the world to happen.
Lacking his will to propel the event forwards as well as the corporeal manifestations of three of the four horsepeople the apocalypse stumbled to a halt. Naturally this did not go over well with either side since they were eager to battle. This led to Beelzebub, a prince of hell, and the Metatron, the voice of god (not God's actual voice but more the equivalent of a presidential spokesman) coming to earth to make Adam go through with it. What followed was... rather sad when Adam at only 11 years old talked Beelzebub and Metatron in circles with his own logic and with Aziraphale and Crowley's help convinced them to retreat for further instructions.
There was a brief instance that seemed like there might be a last stand as The Devil himself started to emerge into the human realm, presumably pissed that His own son wasn't willing to the job he had literally been born to do. Except Adam was on his own ground and using his powers he changed things just a little. Instead of his Satanic father the person who appeared was Mister Young, who was quite vexed with his son gallivanting across the countryside at all hours. Adam was grounded for his efforts to save the world and well... the world went on as it always did.
Personality: Adam is a very odd child. At 11 years old he capricious and mischievous and delights in nothing less than chaos. But then again, what 11 year old doesn't? He's lighthearted and will throw his whole heart into a cause without knowing the full details. Because as a child Adam doesn't need the full facts of it, what he doesn't know he'll just make up along the way. He's still rather immature and hates it when he isn't the one in charge of a situation. He also gets quite petulant if someone else has an idea that he wished he had thought of first.
He's also charismatic, able to draw people into his complicated line of thinking and then easily disarm them with his charms. He likes the idea of being known, and when you aren't famous he'll take notoriety as an perfectly acceptable substitute. Another major thing is that Adam likes things with the intensity that only a child can nurture. He loves Tadfield and because of that even when he was gripped in the deepest throes of his antichrist powers, all he wanted from the world (when he had already started doling out continents to his friends and Dog) was to keep Tadfield for himself. This extends to people as well, and when Adam likes people that means he likes to see them happy.
He loves to play games and has a talent for playing the villain, though he has never indulged in true villainy beyond stealing some apples from a neighborhood tree or getting into a scuffle with another child gang (though in Adam's view they're the bad guys). However at his core, Adam has goodness in him. He has that innocent childhood outlook where things are very simple. He was tempted by the power that he possessed, and the dark voices that came with it, but in the end he realized that there would be nothing satisfying about a world without any free will.
And for all that it matters, Adam has never met an apple that wasn't worth the trouble he got into for eating it.
Why should that character be in this game: n/a
Why do you want to continue their history here: n/a
For applicants considering an alternate version of a character already in game, please use this as your chance to explain the key differences between your character and the one already in play: n/a
Have you read up on how the game works?: FlamingFerret for the network plugin, and to earn money one can do missions, freelance or mooch off your dear friends.
1st person sample: [Video]
[The video flickers on to reveal a pair of bright blue eyes framed with blonde curls peering into the camera at a distance of much too close before leaning back to reveal a young boy who looks like he just discovered christmas.]
Wicked. It's like 'm on the telly. Can people really see me an' everythin'?
[He pauses for a moment to wonder about this before plowing on under the assumption that people can see and hear him with this gizmo. And why not? He's in space.]
I don't reckon I understand too much about what them ugly ol' aliens said, even after they shoved that fish in my ear.
I mean obviously earth isn't gone, that ain't how it works. It prob'ly just got misplaced an' they haven't just found it yet. That's how it goes in the stories, so I'm sure it'll be found eventually.
[He has the unwavering conviction in this, not even considering for a moment that his planet is gone.]
Pepper an' Brian an' Wensleydale'll probably be mad at me though, leavin' them out of somethin' like this. Innit that right Dog?
[He looks down and picks up a small mutt dog who has one ear turned inside out. This is clearly a just brilliantly smart dog and Adam is very proud of him]
Oh an' this's Dog. He's my dog. And I'm Adam, Adam Young. And this's a space ship. That is so brilliant, even if th' aliens 'r ugly an' shoved a fish in my ear.
3rd person sample: There was something horribly wrong with this space ship, and Adam just wasn't pleased by it. All the shows on the television and in the comics he got from the grocery showed him space being in one way. Sure there were aliens in a million impossible colors and all sorts of funny shapes but... it wasn't like in the books or in the telly or even like in the movies that he and the Them liked to act out.
In fact the worst part was that he didn't have anyone proper to share everything with except for Dog and that didn't count because Dog was usually there when it happened. And it just wasn't as satisfying telling Dog something because he couldn't properly ooh and ah and ask questions and allow him to tell a properly interesting story.
But despite the lack of an audience for his grand adventures, Adam refused to let that stop him. Not even the great obstacle of being made to attend alien school could keep him down for long. He had managed to lie well enough to trick the alien teachers to allow Dog to stay with him in the classroom so as he was quiet. And now he was slouched in the hall quite artfully, communicating through the particular slump of his shoulders that he was waiting for the bathroom to be available.
Once the latest hall monitor had passed by, Adam slid up into action and slunk into the biology lab reserved for the high school classes and stared at the large aquarium filled with frogs. It was a crime leaving them there when they ought to be out hoppin' around and having fun.
“It ain't right Dog, all them frogs just stuck in that puny 'quarium. Th' frog at the mill pond had that whole pond to 'imself and didn't have to share, so why don't these get more?” Shaking his head at the injustice of it, Adam set to work.
And hour later when a teacher discovered that the biology lab had been flooded and the frogs all released, Adam had put on his most innocent expression and did his best not to appear smug. Maybe next he'd try freeing some monkeys like that one New Aquarian he had read. On a spaceship this big there had to be monkeys, right?
Questions?: Dog can come too, right?
Did you put your characters name and fandom in the subject: God I hope so