Feb 03, 2005 21:31
"Its the way... that he kisses you, its the way that he touches you, its the way he makes you fall in lovvvveee you can never get him out of your head..."
I swear, just when i think i've given up, and I'm done.. that little noise comes back to spice things up...
Quotes of the night:
"Ma'am, have you ever heard the words of Jesus"
"Have you ever heard 'shut the fuck up'"
Sara: "hey wanna go get the mail?"
Mom: "no way, its bad enough I have to go to the truck (its in our driveway). I don't want Amilda to get me"
Sara: "who's Amilda?"
Mom: "well whatever it is"
Sara: "you mean MATILDA"
WE WERE WATCHING 'Darkness Falls'
lol... this one is amusing...I get really annoyed when people 'fart' infront of other people... its just rude and gross...
Sara:"dad that was gross, knock it off!"
Dad: "Sara it slipped out."
Sara: "From where..."
Dad: "the sphincter..."
Sara: "what the hell is a sphincter.. you show me a diagram of the human body, and locate a sphincter."