Home again...

Jul 26, 2005 21:42

So I got back yesterday. It all kind of feels like a dream. The past two weeks def chart high on the list of best times of my life. My cruise was just amazing, its hard to put in words how much fun I had. I saw tons of Europe during the days (Spain, Italy, Greece, France,and Turkey) and partied it up with the awesome ppl I met on the ship at nite! I got my pics developed today and looking at them reminded me of all of our crazy fun times. It was so cool to meet people from all over the world
To: Amelia, Jo (American), Henry, Colin, Jason, Alexis, Prya, Jo(British), Peter, Ted, Patrick, Jesse, and the rest of my ship friends- I miss yall so much!
While I miss the cruise, it was great to see all my friends today! I got to see all of my gurlies
It's hard to believe that I leave for college in less than a month! I am starting to stress because I have so much to get done before I leave.
I have to:
1) pack!!!
2) buy dorm stuff
3) finish alcohol online course (UGH!)
4) finish summer work (double ugh! who knew college had summer work!)
5) clean room
6) do any last minute leaving stuff

Ahh, back to the stupid waste of time alcohol course!
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