Oct 18, 2004 15:53
everyone i know, including myself, is sick. i keep gnawing at my nails. i don't know what the deal with that is. i think the cold medicine i'm taking makes me jittery. okay, i know it does, but i think that's pretty much all it is. it's pissing me off. i don't want to pay to get my nails done for them to look nice. anyways, laura is sick. sara just went to the hospital because she can't breathe. mikey has some sinus thing. jeanie is ready to kill some... wait, thats not an illness.
today mikey woke me up at 11 am. what the crap. okay it's a good story, promise. so i wake up and i'm like DERRRR still hungover from the tylenol flu - night. yeah, so i try my best to stay awake but it's not working. not even for jumanji. i went back to bed but i was told i'd be woken up at 12 to take my day pill. so pfft, i was determined not to. well at 12:30 (mwahaha) i wake up to fresh baked, think HOT, banana nut muffins and my meds and my orange juice to take it with. AW! yeah, major brownie points because my man is just that thoughtful.
we ate dinner with jeanie. it was some really good pasta. mikey was feeling bad with a sinus headache. so i gave him some meds. i had to take care of my boo. then he got an appetite back and we went to buy a cake. so we had some awesome oreo cake. he's so great to drop some $ on that. $8 is a lot when you're a ghetto college person. sooo we went back to whitley and mikey left to get jimmy. they had some business to talk about. well i'm sitting on the porch on my cell talking to laura and i hear this loud bang. some idiot totally hit a car while parking. i look around for my car and it's nowhere near those guys. then i realize they're next to mikey's car. i FLIP out and haul ass over to the car and charge them up. they hit some other car and it wasn't bad (well i didnt really care) so i was like 'oh, well nevermind' and walked off. it was kinda nifty how i flew into action though. mikey thought it was hot. the boys thought it was funny as hell. so good times.
last night - awesome. the 18th shall go down as "that day". yup. the end. <3 pork chop