(no subject)

May 04, 2009 21:20

It's almost been a year since I first started posting on LJ. I remember (but am too lazy to look for) my first post. Some stupid entry about an embarrassing moment I had in my Spanish class. Those wounds still won't heal, by the way. If I think about it enough, I'll blush like crazy. It's happening right now, as a matter of fact.
Anyway, I haven't truly posted in over a month. My apologies. Every time I start typing up an entry, it gets really long and complicated. Laziness kicks in.
Kind of like it's doing now... but I must go on.
Here's a few bits of randomness:

--My first AP test is tomorrow. Eek! Spanish. Then I have World History on Thursday, the 14th. I'm nervous.
--I have so much to tell you guys about my trip to Europe. But I won't bore you with every single detail. Just know this: Prague is the city of my dreams. I now know where I want to live when I'm older. And as for everything you've ever heard about Paris being the city of love and oh-so-romantic and all that... dismiss it. Prague is definitely more romantic. At least that's what I thought. And I'm generally not a very romantic person.
--Watched Slumdog Millionaire and Doubt on the plane. Good movies, both of them. My sister and I danced in our seats to Taylor Swift while everyone else was asleep. Tons of fun. Also, some old guy hit on me. Well, he wasn't old, just older than me. Late 20's/early 30's, I'd say. Awkward. He tried pulling the "Hey, Beautiful" card, but in Spanish. In front of my parents. The idiot. I'm 15! I look to be about 12. Perv. Thankfully, we all just ignored it or thought we misheard.
--It's amazing how people in very touristy areas can tell where you're from just by looking at you. Kind of. We got a lot of... Spain? Italy! There was one "Portugal?" And only a couple of people got it right: "Mexico". We don't generally confess we're American, because then people start overcharging like crazy. Plus, Mexicans are pretty well-liked. This nice old man gave us free keychains because Mexicans are such nice, happy people (in his words). It was... weird.  
--I've been going through some emo stages lately. Things with The Parents have gotten bad. And then they've gotten really nice. And then bad again. And so on. It's a roller coaster. Plus, I think some self-esteem issues are emerging, none of which I ever knew existed. I won't go into detail. Maybe some other time.
--Summer is almost here, my gosh. I have about five weeks to go. Such torture. Already, the weather is getting nice and the sun is relatively warm. The sky such an amazing blue. I hate that it feels like freedom is here but I have to wait till I can greet it.
--My sister and I baked a cake a couple of nights ago. Then we talked about how we hate my aunt's boyfriend. It was fun. I love my sister, she's so hilarious. Then, of course, sometimes she's so annoying. She's going into high school next school year. I'm kind of dreading it.
--My dad saw stamps on my dresser the other day and automatically assumed they were his because when do I ever send letters, right? And he used them. So now I've no stamps. So Amy, your letter might be delayed a couple of weeks. But I'll get it to you as soon as I get a chance to run over to the post office.
--You know the whole swine flu scare thing? Are you guys worried?

And finally, some music. This song has been stuck in my head forever. I love her voice.

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hey, random, prague

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