Status on Facebook: Celeste is extremely proud of herself because for the first time EVER, she got ALL of her laundry done. Except for one sock, but whatever.
I also got 17 pages of notes done in about four hours.
Tomorrow I'll have only a couple hours more to do a whole study guide (about three hours if I hurry), study for an English test, do a couple of chemistry homeworks, and read/summarize a story for Spanish (IDIOT, Celeste! Souldn't have told the teacher we'd already done the vocab. Then we wouldn't have homework). PLUS, get working on my chem notebook, which is due this week, and I have the midterm as well. I have a math test. And Latin America maps. And questions/summaries/highlighting for the notes I've neglected.
Over spring break, we're going to have four chapters to read/take notes on for history (it's AP). I actually counted and did a few mental calculations . . . each freaking chapter contains an average of 48, 50-ish pages. The shortest reading assignment we've ever gotten was 9 pages long. The longest was today, 17 pages.
Anyway, I'll have four chapters to do over break, meaning eight sections of reading and four study guides. In four weeks.
Okay, fine. Not as bad as it could be. I can do a chapter a week.
Two of the four weeks will be spent in Europe. Yay and all, only that gives me two weeks for homework. I skimmed and these chapters will be talking about WW1, WW2, and a bit of the before and afters. So they won't be short chapters. Maybe 60 pages long for some of them.
Dear god.
PLUS, I have to study for the AP history and AP Spanish test over break. Cuz I haven't even started.
AND my English teacher has given us a project to do: cereal box biographical report. It's complicated. But a lot of work. I would've done it these past two weeks so that I don't have to do it over break, but it's been way too busy.
The next two and a half months will be HELL.
I can't wait till mid-May, once AP tests are done and I only have regular classes to deal with.
Until then, I need to get through this weekend. The time change has taken a valuable hour away from me. And tomorrow, it's our turn to go down to Tijuana and take my grandma to church. Which will rob me of at least four vital hours. And it also makes me nervous because I've been reading up on the violence and all. I didn't realize it was so bad.
A couple of informational links: I know this stuff isn't affecting you guys very much, if at all. But it's affecting me hugely and since this journal is about my life, I'm sharing.