Jul 27, 2005 19:17
Aight, I know how yall can't go too long without my updates without bein' able to peace easy at night or something like that. Just kiddin' though, Santos made me update, she was tellin' me if I didn't she'd stop comin' over with the ice cream and if she stopped that, that would suck. Except she might have to, I'm considerin' goin' back home. The voicemails have started to pick up, last night he left like four. I mean, I don't know what else to do..
Been workin' a lot. Me and Alex own, that's all that that needs to be said. Except for when she throws nachos at me, but it's all good I get her back by throwin' some iccee at her and it's like we're even. Nah, but for real, the hours are good and Alex is fuckin' cool so it's tight. Except for that weird ass mall janitor that always stares at me and Alex. But yea, it owns.
Went to a part on Monday night, didn't get bombed or any shit like that. Met up with Santos and Darcy, it was a pretty tight party. Saw my two fellow asshole friends, Pete and Heather. Or well, for me it was. I gotta kinda thank Santos for the whole me and Darcy hookin' up so fast, she was hintin' at stuff and me and Darcy went for it. All I gotta say is.. damn. Met back up with Santos after me and Darcy got done with our challenge and I walked her home. Hah, it was great. Santos seemed jealous, but never owned up to it. Either way I'm glad me and Santos are back to bein' tight. But after our fight last weekend bout her ditchin' me, I still can't go to her bout the shit with my dad. I don't know who to go to, I may be actin' like shits all good, and I gotta give myself props, I'm good at playin' shit off like everything is straight, but nothin' in my life is really straight. I hate this shit, I just want it to go back to when me and my moms were livin' together, she made it all alright.
But, Santos sent me a text somethin' bout Wal Mart, so I'm gonna head over there. Get at me if you wanna chill or anything. But that reminds me, Heather, we gotta chill and that's for damn sure. Anyways, I'm out and peace easy kids.