Mar 27, 2006 14:11
How old were you?: 13 almost 14
What school year were you in?: 8th
Where did you go to school?: Marathon Middle.
Where did you work?: Babysitting
Where did u live? 11200 1st ave gulf
Where did you hang out?: Cowmooflage
How was your hair style?: in a ponytail, gelled
Did you wear braces?: yes
Did you wear glasses?: No
Who was your best friend? Danielle
Who was your boyfriend/girlfriend?: no one
Who was your celebrity crush? Johnny Depp
Who was your regular-person crush?: Noel
How many piercings did you have?: 2
How many tattoos did you have?: None
What was your favorite band/ artist: Nirvana
What was your biggest fear?: Nirvana.
Had you smoked a cigarette yet?: yea
Had you gotten drunk or high yet?: OMG. no
Had you driven yet?: yes
How old are you?: about to be 19
What school year are you in?: Graduated
Where do you go to school?: Marathon high School
Where do u live now?: 368 110th
Where do you hang out?: The beach
Do you wear glasses?: Sometimes
Who is/ARE your best friend(s) Arielle, Arielle, Dennis, Ruby, Erica, Jeff
Who is your celebrity crush?: Johnny Depp
Who is your regular-person crush?:Dennis
How many tattoos do you have?: One biggun
How many piercings do you have?: 8
What is your favorite band / artist?: Nirvana
What is your biggest fear?: Drowning
Have you driven yet?: Yes.
Have you smoked a cigarette?: yea for 3 years, and now I'm smoke free
Have you gotten drunk or high: way too much
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