Jul 08, 2005 21:25
Me: ben... why is your face in my cereal? o.O
Ben: i refuse to answer your communist questions
Me: well shit, what do i tell the people that kid napped me then?
Ben: slap them, and tell them to stop spreading their commie propoganda
Me: ...they have GUNs to my head
Ben: and by guns you mean more than one?
Me: no i mean half of one
Ben: would that be the harmless half or the fatal bang bang half?
Me: the fatal bang bang harmless half
Ben: and why did they let you sign on im now?
Me: well it was either that or continue to let me sing "i know song that gets on everybody's nerves"
Me: yeah... i guess that song gets on their nerves
Me: im not completely sure why though....
Me: something about being ass raped to it while they were seven by their father's grandfather or something
Me: or maybe that was "yankie doodle dandy"
Ben: some kind of.... code for something
Ben: but what?
Me: your mom?
Ben: of course! it all makes sense now!
Me: i think this deserves a place in my journal
Ben: and your heart
Me: and your face
Ben: man, we've just gone full fucking circle now
Me: why is it always going full circle? why cant is being going full triangel or full square or even full rhombus?!
*A few minutes later...*
Me: fine, how about your face's mom?
Ben: ...
Me: i dont know! santa made me say it!
Me: he's a commie too
Ben: with a gun?
Me: no, with short pointed eared people
That concludes this entry for the day.