OOC: RP Application (hometrail)

Jul 30, 2010 00:00

player info.
name/handle: Tilly
contact info: AIM is shadowti, belovedprincesstilly@hotmail.com
personal journal: princesstilly2
previous characters: N/A

character info.
character name: Mizuti
canon & medium: Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean, video game
age & species: 14, human
appearance: Her picture; she wears her mask at all times, and will only take it off when sleeping, eating, or if it breaks.
timeline: From the end of the game, right before the party enters Cor Hydrae for the final dungeon/boss.
background/history link: Baten Kaitos Wiki || Mizuti

personality: Mizuti is a rather strange young girl, preferring to talk about herself in the third-person and having the ability to levitate a few inches on the ground (even walking/running on air). Her mask alters the way her voice sounds, leading people to believe that she is a boy rather than a girl (though women seem to catch on a lot quicker~). Mizuti is quick to protect someone or draw attention to herself. She is the only one in her village that retains the power of the Ancient Wizards, their ancestors, so she feels that she has to protect everyone, without any help. She tends to hide her true feelings from others, and puts on a confident air in order to do so.

Mizuti also likes to sing whenever she feels lonely or afraid, and may do so at random. She hates running away from a fight, especially if someone has to or has been left behind. Being extremely curious about the world around her, she will either ask someone about something if she doesn't know about it, or will just rush off to find out about it herself.

abilities: Hovering/levitation (just above the surface of the ground/etc), a special chakram she can control freely, magical powers activated by Magnus cards (small elemental spells + a few more powerful finishing moves)

any plans for your character here? Mizuti wishes to return to her home world, since she was taken from it at a very bad time. The wicked god Malpercio had been resurrected and had been waiting for her and her friends in it's domain for the final battle of the world.

possessions: Chakram, her clothes, a few Birdies (the attachments that go on top of her mask), her ancestrial mask, a deck of Magnus* (20 cards; spells, healing items)

*Since upon entering the world she is reduced back to Lv. 1, the cards will be as follows: Fire Burst I x3 (spell), Water Burst I x3 (spell), Chronos Blow I x3 (spell), Wind Blow I x3 (spell), Sorcerer's Chakram I(finishing move), Sorcerer's Breath II (finishing move), Sorcerer's Seal III (finishing move), Magic Beans (item), Mineral Water (item), Incense (item), Mattress (item), and Sculpting Knife (item/weapon). Here's more info on the Magnus: Magnus List.

sample journal entry: The Great Mizuti still be astounded by the sight of so much land! And so clean, so unlike the land the Great Mizuti comes from... [you can hear her taking a deep breath, obviously cheerful about it] It seems to be even better than the Sky at times. So pure.

Where shall the Caravan be going next? The Great Mizuti has heard very little, especially from the locals. The Great Mizuti is the one who should be doing the lying if needed. Just a little white lie. Every once in a while. In a blue moon. Or perhaps not. If we be going to a dangerous place next, the Great Mizuti would like to know! Immediately! Not told a tale about someone's grandkids... [a frustrated groan]

Now, where be that kind gentleman who said he would show the Great Mizuti around the Caravan...? [a distorted giggle]

third-person sample: Mizuti made her way through the marketplace, taken back by the strange sights and sounds. It reminded her of both Anuenue and the Empire mixed together, nature and machinery. But it was the people that intrigued her the most.

While she came from a world of humans and monsters, this place had all sorts of beings. They came in many sizes and figures, from immense giants like the one that towed the Caravan, to ones the size of her hand. Mizuti thought they were monsters at first, but a fellow passenger explained the way of Willaknapp. Or at least most of it. No one person seemed to be sure about the place, much to her frustration.

Though the girl was absolutely fascinated by it, she knew she had to get home as soon as possible. Without her, the Islands may very well perish under the might of the wicked god... Along with her family. She couldn't even bear the thought of losing her friends she had fought with, let alone her own people, the Children of the Earth!

Mizuti had to get back. Just had to, for the sake of everyone in her world.

ooc, application

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