
Dec 17, 2005 15:38

it feels *so good* to be home.
and just be on a vacation without having any reading or projects to worry about (what a concept!)
i can't believe the semester went by so quickly.
it feels like we moved in like a month ago.
(well after thinking of all the days i had to deal with my roommate it seems like we've been living there for a year... but what can you do... all i can hope for is that our triple gets broken up over the break because a lot of people are transfering and then i can start 2nd semester with a new perspective on everything.)

anyway... my brother had the hockey team over this morning for brunch. it was interesting to say the least!

and i just made cookies :)

now if only i hadn't been woken up to the phone ringing this morning that would have been good.

i guess i should go take a nap because that is what the rest of my family is doing and the whole house is really quiet...

yay for getting together with katie and jessi tonight!!

hope everyone's first semester went well and if you aren't home yet, you will be soon, only a few more days at the most!

<3 Nicole
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