Inclement Weather - Bad When Projects Due

Jan 31, 2008 09:08

It sucks big time when there's a lot of bad weather going on. Right now it's just 'cold' and possible rain/sleet which will turn to ice on the streets. This morning was a big debate on whether or not my sister and I should go to school (college) due to the weather. It's snowing in our home, but not in downtown where the campus is, but the roads look suspicious. So I e-mailed my professors informing them that I may or may not be coming into class today. It sucks because I have a project that's due today, and I don't know if he'd accept it late due to inclement weather. My sister's class gets out earlier than mine even start. If that made sense, and I don't know what the roads will be like later. So it's kind of play-by-ear as the old saying goes. I have a project due in my Typography course, the "Initials" project. I had to get fifteen different fonts for the project, and choose the top three I liked and twist/turn enlarge or crop etc with my initials which would be "A" "B". So yea, it's supposed to be turned into a book in Accordian style and for those who don't know what that is, an Accordian is like a "fan" like when you make paper fans it's supposed to look like that when it's done. I have it ready, I just have to put it together, and turn it in, but if I go home early, I won't be able to... so yay for bad weather ... -.-
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