Remote Part of the Beach, Monday Morning

May 04, 2009 13:41

Like Lee had suggested, Toby had called Adam and learned that yes, portals went to Dante's Cove even if Adam tried to take it back once he heard Toby's reasons for wanting to get home so badly.

He'd left messages for Lion-o, Worfy, and the girls and had walked down to the beach, wearing only the torn, button-fly jeans he'd arrived with a year ago, back when he'd had the amnesia. Really, he could only hope he'd retain his memory this time around.

Toby took one last look at the grand island, wiped away the tears that hadn't stopped after he'd tried calling Lee and failed miserably (there were just some people he could never say goodbye to), and walked out into the water. "Fuck that's cold!" It was enough to shock him out of his emo.

"Couldn't that bastard have waited till June to become someone's unwilling sex slave? Miley!"

Toby could be heard muttering as he strode into the waves, only ducking his shiny brown locks into the sea when he spotted the sparkle of the portal beyond.

[TOBY IS GOOOOONE! I can't deal with his tears so there were no goodbyes. He'll be back, though. If only to take Worf to Homecoming.]


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